52,899 signatures
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Petition is addressed to: Mitglieder der Kommission, des Parlamentes und des Rates der EU
Egregi membri della Commissione, Egregi membri del Parlamento, Egregi membri del Consiglio!
Nuove direttive per la regolamentazione delle sementi sono in fase di elaborazione a Brussel. Se i piani del Direttivo Generale per la Salute e la protezione dei Consumatori si realizzeranno, molte antiche e rare varieta´di frutta, verdure e cereali spariranno dal mercato. L´utilizzo di tali varieta´, cosi´come quello di altre varieta´adattate all´agricoltura biologica rischia di essere bloccato dalla burocrazia, che rafforza invece il potere delle multinazionali agricole.
I testi tuttora disponibili per la nuova regolamentazione europea delle sementi promuovono la concentrazione del mercato delle sementi nelle mani di un ristretto numero di industrie sementiere multinazionali. Tutto cio´e´inaccettabile. Una nuova regolamentazione europea deve promuovere la diversita´, le varieta´adatte ad una produzione agricola di stampo contadino nonche´la riproduzione delle sementi in agricoltura biologica. Molteplici varieta´devono riamnere a disposizione della collettivita´non solo nelle banche del genoma, ma anche nel libero mercato, senza restrizioni burocratiche.
Per questo esigiamo: nessun obbligo di registrazione! I criteri di registrazione attualmente in vigore devono inoltre essere ammorbiditi per le varieta´che, grazie alla propria diversita´, risultano piu´appropriate ad una coltivazione biologica. Questo permettera´alla nostra agricoltura di continuare ad adattarsi al cambiamento cliamtico, a nuove epidemie e malattie ed a stili di vita piu´ecologici.
Ne´l´attuale regolamentazione europea, ne´le proposte di legge sinora disponibili adempiono i criteri sopracitati. Esse rappresentano, al contrario, una minaccia per un´alimentazione sostenibile e servono unicamente gli scopi dell´industria agrochimica.
Vi sollecitiamo con urgenza a respingere qualsiasi proposta di legge che non adempia i suddetti criteri! Poniamo fine alla distruzione della diversita´dell´agricoltura e dell´ orticoltura in Europa!
La diversité des semences est en danger – contre le nouveau règlement européen !
A Bruxelles, un nouveau règlement sur les semences est en préparation. Si les plans de la Direction générale pour la Santé et les Consommateurs se réalisent, encore plus de variétés rares et anciennes de fruits, de légumes et de céréales disparaîtront du marché. Les chicanes bureaucratiques visant les semences de diversité augmentent, tandis que le pouvoir de l’industrie agrochimique est renforcé.
Les projets connus jusqu’ici pour un nouveau règlement de l’UE encouragent la concentration des semences aux mains de très peu de compagnies semencières. Cela est inacceptable. Un nouveau règlement autour des semences doit garantir de bonnes conditions pour les semences de diversité, les variétés paysannes et les sélections biologiques. Les semences de diversité doivent être disponibles sans obstacles bureaucratiques non seulement dans le banque de gènes mais aussi sur le marché.
Pour cela nous demandons qu’il n’y ait pas d’enregistrement obligatoire officiel ! De plus, les conditions actuelles pour l’enregistrement des variétés pour l’agriculture biologique doivent être simplifiées, parce que notre agriculture doit s’adapter aux changements climatiques, aux nouvelles maladies, aux nouveau parasites et à un mode de vie plus écologique.
Ni la législation actuelle, ni le projet de loi officieux ne remplissent ces demandes. Ils menacent la diversité de semences et l’héritage agro-culturel de l’humanité, ils attaquent les systèmes alimentaires durables et l’agriculture écologiques et ils servent les intérêts de l’industrie agrochimique.
Nous demandons aux membres de la Commission, du Parlement et du Conseil de l’UE de refuser toute les propositions de règlement de semences qui ne remplissent pas ces demandes.
Non à la destruction de la diversité des variétés agricoles et jardinières !
Pour plus d’information voyez les sites web des organisations qui ont initiées cette pétition : - Campagne pour la souveraineté sur les semences: https://www.seed-sovereignty.org/FR/index.html - Forum civique Européen : https://www.forumcivique.org/fr/theme/nutrition_et_politique_agricole - German umbrella organisation for crop and livestock diversity („Dachverband Kulturpflanzen- und Nutztiervielfalt e.V.“): https://www.kulturpflanzen-nutztiervielfalt.org/node/29
Da millenni gli uomini hanno coltivato questa diver-sità. Appartiene a tutti, in primo luogo ai popoli indigeni che l’hanno coltivata. Che tutti abbiano accesso a questa diversità è la base del nostro pane quotidiano e della sovranità alimentare. In molti paesi ancora oggi sono soprattutto i conta-dini e le contadine che migliorano, moltiplicano, scambiano e vendono i semi.
In tutta Europa, migliaia di persone lottano per riportare la diversità delle sementi nelle mani di contadini ed orticoltori e salvaguardare così le basi della nostra alimentazione.
Per maggiori informazioni consultare: Campagna per la sovranità sul seme: https://www.seed-sovereignty.org/IT/index.html e https://www.seed-sovereignty.org
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European Union
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on 12 Oct 2018Liebe Unterstützende,
der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.
Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
Ihr openPetition-Team -
Die Zeichnungsfrist ist beendet
on 12 Mar 2014Dear supporters of our petition,
the EU-Parliament published the results of yesterdays votings on the Commissions proposal for a seed regulation, and other topics.
The correct numbers are as following:
voting 6 on the Commissions proposal: 15 yes; 615 no, 13 abstained;
voting 7 on the request for a referral: 574 yes, 90 no, 10 abstained;
voting 8 on the legislative resolution: 511 yes,...show moreDear supporters of our petition,
the EU-Parliament published the results of yesterdays votings on the Commissions proposal for a seed regulation, and other topics.
The correct numbers are as following:
voting 6 on the Commissions proposal: 15 yes; 615 no, 13 abstained;
voting 7 on the request for a referral: 574 yes, 90 no, 10 abstained;
voting 8 on the legislative resolution: 511 yes, 136 no, 16 abstained
(please notice: it was 511 yes and not only 51 as in the last mail wrongly written)
If you are interested in the question who voted how, you find the results of roll-call votes here:
http://tinyurl.com/EP-voting-140311 on pages 16 to 21.
If anybody would like to translate this and the last mail into the petitions language, please feel free to do so and please send it to info@seed-sovereignty.org. Then I would post the translation to all the supporters.
best regards
Andreas Riekeberg
Campaign for seed-sovereignty
http://www.seed-sovereignty.org -
Die Zeichnungsfrist ist beendet
on 12 Mar 2014Dear supporters!
We've made it! The Parliament of the EU has decided: the Commissions proposal for a seed regulation is politically dead. In yesterdays plenary session was adopted with 51 to 130 votes a legislative resolution, which rejects the proposal of 6 Mai 2013 very clear and calls the Commission to submit a new one.
Until the last moment it was unclear: would the Parliament adopt such...show moreDear supporters!
We've made it! The Parliament of the EU has decided: the Commissions proposal for a seed regulation is politically dead. In yesterdays plenary session was adopted with 51 to 130 votes a legislative resolution, which rejects the proposal of 6 Mai 2013 very clear and calls the Commission to submit a new one.
Until the last moment it was unclear: would the Parliament adopt such a legally binding resolution or would it restrict itself to a simple appeal to the Commission to withdraw the proposal? This appeal in the so called rejection report got 650 to 15 votes. But the Parliament insisted in a voting on the legislative resolution with the above mentioned result.
By this the longstanding engagement of organisations and groups which are dedicated to the maintaining and broadening of diversity, which are working for farmers rights to produce, exchange and use their seed or which are breeding varieties for ecofarming was successful.
With this decision the Parliament gave ear to the many hundreds of thousands of people from many European countries which signed since April 2013 diverse petitions against the Commissions proposal. Alone our petition „seed diversity under threat“ got some 150.000 supporters in 12 different languages.
A big „THANK YOU“ to all of you!
Now it would be important to adopt the current – even restrictive – EU-seed-law to the demands of maintaining and broadening of diversity. By this there should be given a reasonable legal framework to the groups, organisations and individuals which are engaged in this, and these initiatives should be supported and not restricted. A first step could be the evaluation of the so called conservation directives 2008/62/EC and 2009/145/EC, which should be done (as the directive itself demands) until end of 2013.
On the other hand the official control of the seeds of the seed industry has to be ensured. Concentration processes through acquisitions and interdependence have led in the past 30 years to a dangerous market power of the major chemical and seed corporations. And the seed industry won't give up their aim. Yesterday the seed lobby ESA tried to disturb the audience be claiming that the decision taken by the Parliament is invalid by procedural mistakes, see http://kurzlink.de/esa-seedlaw-140311. Anyhow, ESA's Secretary General Garlich von Essen had to admit the strength of the opponents to the new seed regulation and has spoken of a "very, very strong campaign".
Now we have to wait and be aware of how the Commission and the Council react on the resolution of the Parliament – and we will be attentive to intervene if necessary. In the times of climate change and exhaustion of resources we need a reorientation in the demands to varieties. How long agriculture and horticulture will be able to afford high-input-varieties? In the long run we need varieties with a positive energy balance – for this we need a rethinking in the seed legislation, and for this the support of you all will be needed furthermore!
Best regards
Andreas Riekeberg
Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty
Pour la liberté de chacun à disposer et consommer de la nourriture variée et naturelle sans manipulation génétique ou chimique
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