12.10.2018, 02:11
Liebe Unterstützende,
der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.
Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
Ihr openPetition-Team
12.03.2014, 14:43
Dear supporters of our petition,
the EU-Parliament published the results of yesterdays votings on the Commissions proposal for a seed regulation, and other topics.
The correct numbers are as following:
voting 6 on the Commissions proposal: 15 yes; 615 no, 13 abstained;
voting 7 on the request for a referral: 574 yes, 90 no, 10 abstained;
voting 8 on the legislative resolution: 511 yes, 136 no, 16 abstained
(please notice: it was 511 yes and not only 51 as in the last mail wrongly written)
If you are interested in the question who voted how, you find the results of roll-call votes here:
tinyurl.com/EP-voting-140311 on pages 16 to 21.
If anybody would like to translate this and the last mail into the petitions language, please feel free to do so and please send it to info@seed-sovereignty.org. Then I would post the translation to all the supporters.
best regards
Andreas Riekeberg
Campaign for seed-sovereignty
12.03.2014, 10:17
Dear supporters!
We've made it! The Parliament of the EU has decided: the Commissions proposal for a seed regulation is politically dead. In yesterdays plenary session was adopted with 51 to 130 votes a legislative resolution, which rejects the proposal of 6 Mai 2013 very clear and calls the Commission to submit a new one.
Until the last moment it was unclear: would the Parliament adopt such a legally binding resolution or would it restrict itself to a simple appeal to the Commission to withdraw the proposal? This appeal in the so called rejection report got 650 to 15 votes. But the Parliament insisted in a voting on the legislative resolution with the above mentioned result.
By this the longstanding engagement of organisations and groups which are dedicated to the maintaining and broadening of diversity, which are working for farmers rights to produce, exchange and use their seed or which are breeding varieties for ecofarming was successful.
With this decision the Parliament gave ear to the many hundreds of thousands of people from many European countries which signed since April 2013 diverse petitions against the Commissions proposal. Alone our petition „seed diversity under threat“ got some 150.000 supporters in 12 different languages.
A big „THANK YOU“ to all of you!
Now it would be important to adopt the current – even restrictive – EU-seed-law to the demands of maintaining and broadening of diversity. By this there should be given a reasonable legal framework to the groups, organisations and individuals which are engaged in this, and these initiatives should be supported and not restricted. A first step could be the evaluation of the so called conservation directives 2008/62/EC and 2009/145/EC, which should be done (as the directive itself demands) until end of 2013.
On the other hand the official control of the seeds of the seed industry has to be ensured. Concentration processes through acquisitions and interdependence have led in the past 30 years to a dangerous market power of the major chemical and seed corporations. And the seed industry won't give up their aim. Yesterday the seed lobby ESA tried to disturb the audience be claiming that the decision taken by the Parliament is invalid by procedural mistakes, see kurzlink.de/esa-seedlaw-140311. Anyhow, ESA's Secretary General Garlich von Essen had to admit the strength of the opponents to the new seed regulation and has spoken of a "very, very strong campaign".
Now we have to wait and be aware of how the Commission and the Council react on the resolution of the Parliament – and we will be attentive to intervene if necessary. In the times of climate change and exhaustion of resources we need a reorientation in the demands to varieties. How long agriculture and horticulture will be able to afford high-input-varieties? In the long run we need varieties with a positive energy balance – for this we need a rethinking in the seed legislation, and for this the support of you all will be needed furthermore!
Best regards
Andreas Riekeberg
Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty
10.03.2014, 00:57
Dear supporter!
On Tuesday is the big seed day in the EU-Parliament. It The EP will vote on their statement on the commissions proposal in plenary. What will happen?
Scenario A: The Parliament adopts a “non-legislative rejectionâ€. This is just a postponement - just a show. In this scenario, the new parliament will continue the work after elections in May.
Scenario B: The Parliament adopts a LEGISLATIVE rejection. This would mean the political death of the seed regulation. On Monday evening, the major political groups will discuss the issue on and fix their position. A so called 1st reading.
It is VERY important to call them and demand a LEGISLATVIE rejection (Option B).
The draft for such an LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION is already tabled! You find it here: tinyurl.com/legislative-resulution-seedlaw or: www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+REPORT+A7-2014-0112+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN Please chose your language at the top of the page.
English text of the tabled legislative resulution:
"The European Parliament, ... 1. Rejects the Commission proposal;
2. Calls on the Commission to withdraw its proposal and submit a new one;
3. Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council, the Commission and the national parliaments."
Please contact the relevant people per telephone.
1.) your national MEPs , see www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/map.html
2.) the rapporteurs see www.seed-sovereignty.org/PDF/2_List_rapporteurs.pdf
3.) The presidents of the Parliament, see www.seed-sovereignty.org/PDF/1_List_presidents.pdf You just need to click on them to obtain their phone numbers.
VERY IMPORTANT: Please note that Monday, 10. March, it’s the "Strasbourg session". This means: Until lunch: Make phonecalls in Brussels. After lunch: Make phonecalls in Strasbourg. It would be really important if you could call them!
There is still a chance to kick the proposal back! Let's use it!
Best regards
Andreas Riekeberg
Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty
03.11.2013, 23:24
Dear Signatories of our petition „Roznorodnosc Nasion Zagrozona - Przeciwko europejskim regulacjom nasiennym na rzecz branzy nasiennej“ !
Thank you!
103 persons signed the Polish version of the petition, the subscription period of the petition ends this midnight. All together we are nearly 150.000 supporters in 15 languages. Thanks to all who signed the petition! The maximum subscription period of six months is prescribed by the platform "openPetition" and can not be extended. We also thank openPetition for providing the platform!
If anybody wants to invite friends and colleague to support the petition, you may point in the next days at the English/Spanish version here www.openpetition.de/petition/online/amenaza-a-la-diversidad-de-semillas-no-a-las-normas-europeas-en-beneficio-de-la-industria-semillera#googtrans(de%7Ces) or the Swedish/German version here: www.openpetition.de/petition/online/mngfalden-av-froeer-hotas-nej-till-eu-s-inskraenkande-regler-till-foermn-foer-utsaedesindustrin
What is next ?
The petition will be handed over in Brussels during the course of the legislative process. When there will be the right time for this, that depends on further course.
So far, in the lead Agricultural Committee of the EU Parliament the rapporteur for seed legislation was set, it is Sergio Silvestris of the Italian PdL , a member of the EPP Group. He will write the report of the Committee on the proposed legislation to the House of Parliament. A draft for this is just available here: www.saatgutkampagne.org/PDF/Draft_Report_PRM.pdf There are also so-called shadow-rapporteurs of the other groups.
A first debate on the bill has taken place on 30.9., here's a look back: www.seed-sovereignty.org/PDF/MEPs_criticize_proposed_new_EU_seed_law.pdf . From the other groups came requests and criticism of the Commission proposal. In the end it will be important that the members of the EPP Group follow their conscience in the seed question and vividly interfere in the debate - and not bow to the party discipline, assumed to be set by Albert DESS from Bavaria, who is the coordinator of EPP group in the AGRI committee.
The next steps are now: the second debate in the Agriculture Committee on November 25&26 2013 and the submission of amendments until December 4 2013. After this date these amendments will be debated and voted. The first debate in the House of Parliament is scheduled for mid April 2014.
Besides this a working group of the Council of the EU currently meets on a monthly basis. There the member governments are represented, and they are preparing their position. If the results of the Parliament and Council are be different, a so-called "trialogue " between the EU Commission , Parliament and Council will be held.
What can I do myself more ?
a) Please keep yourself and others informed! May be you would like to watch and to screen our documentary "Resilient Seed" www.youtube.com/watch?v=unsC2SGdMBU or in German www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaOt0PD0G5s . You may pass this info on, read and distribute our brochure "Resilient Seed" www.saatgutkampagne.org/PDF/Resilient_Seed_EN_web.pdf or in German www.saatgutkampagne.org/PDF/Booklet_Saatgutfilm2011_web.pdf
b ) You may enter into conversation with EU parliamentarians: Write to MPs to which you have a geographic proximity www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/nl/agri/members.html#menuzone . Please describe to them why the diversity of seeds and farmers seeds is important to you and what you require for the new seed legislation. You may refer to the „joint statement on the proposal on legislation about plant reproductive material“, www.seed-sovereignty.org/PDF/joint_statement_seed_legislation_2013-06-12_web.pdf If you inform us of reactions, we can go into it.
c) You could start or continue by yourself to save seeds. You may attend or organize seed-swaps - a great way to get in contact with like-minded people! Seed swaps are preferable from February to April or May.
d) Please visit www.seed-sovereignty.org from time to time. We try to keep you informed!
Best regards
Andreas Riekeberg ,Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty
Email: info@seed-sovereignty.org
03.11.2013, 01:15
Automatyczne tłumaczenie:
państwo podpisało petycję "Roznorodnosc Nasion Zagrozona - Przeciwko europejskim regulacjom nasiennym na rzecz branzy nasiennej". Dziekuje!
Dzisiaj jest ostatni dzień do podpisania petycji.
Jeśli chcesz podzielić się z innymi ludźmi petycji, zrób to teraz. Proszę zaprosić ich do podpisania petycji tutaj www.openpetition.de/petition/online/roznorodnosc-nasion-zagrozona-przeciwko-europejskim-regulacjom-nasiennym-na-rzecz-branzy-nasiennej#googtrans(de%7Cpl)
Może twoi przyjaciele i koledzy chcą wyrazić swoje zapotrzebowanie na politykę UE na rzecz różnorodności nasion i nasion na rzecz rolników.
Z poważaniem
Andreas Riekeberg
Kampania na rzecz suwerenności nasion
you have signed the petition „Roznorodnosc Nasion Zagrozona - Przeciwko europejskim regulacjom nasiennym na rzecz branzy nasiennej“.
Thank you!
Today is the last day to sign this petition.
If you want to share the petition with other people, please do it just now. Then, please invite them to sign the petition here www.openpetition.de/petition/online/roznorodnosc-nasion-zagrozona-przeciwko-europejskim-regulacjom-nasiennym-na-rzecz-branzy-nasiennej#googtrans(de%7Cpl)
May be your friends and colleagues want to express their demand for a policy of the EU in favor of diversity of seeds and in favor of farmers seeds.
Best regards
Andreas Riekeberg
Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty
06.06.2013, 11:21
Dear supporter of the petition „Różnorodność Nasion Zagrożona - Przeciwko europejskim regulacjom nasiennym na rzecz branży nasiennej!”
Thank you for supporting our petition! Six weeks ago it went online, and in total, in more than 15 languages (cf. www.seed-sovereignty.org/EN/), we now have over 44.000 signatures from all over Europe and beyond. If anybody would like to translate this posting into Polish to get it posted here, please do so and send it back to info@seed-sovereignty.org . Thanks in advance!
What happened in the last few weeks?
On Monday the 6th of May, the EU Commission approved a proposal of the Plant Reproductive Material (PRM) marketing regulation, based on an earlier Nov 2012 draft criticized by our petition. The proposal however includes a provision for „niche“ varieties, and this is only due to the pressures collectively put on the politicians.
There are a number of criticisms of this proposal, see for example the press release in English from “Arche Noah” (Noah's ark) www.saatgutkampagne.org/130507_press_release_Arche_Noah.PDF and the one of the German umbrella organisation for crop and livestock biodiversity, "Seed that can be saved is disappearing from the market" www.kulturpflanzen-nutztiervielfalt.org/seed-can-be-saved-disappearing-market .
The demands of our petition stand, and will now be directed to the members of the EU Parliament and EU Council of Ministers.
Ahead of the vote on 6 May, six commissioners were informed about the petition as well as the current number of signatures on each of the languages. We demanded they reject the regulation, but it passed regardless.
It is now important to emphasize the demands that a new EU seed regulation must create the right conditions for seeds of diversity, farm bred varieties and varieties uniquely suited for organic culture by virtue of their genetic diversity.
In the coming weeks and months we will count on your help for this, as we talk to member of the EU Parliament and/or stand up in other ways politically for our demands. From 15 to 19 July the MEPs have their „constituency weeks”, cf www.europarl.europa.eu/pdf/general/cal2013.pdf . For external parliamentary activities they should be in their home countries. Maybe you would like to try to organize discussions with them on the seed issue? This would be very important, if they are members of the AGRI or the ENVI committee! And two vice-chairs of the AGRI-comitee are from Poland.
Andreas Riekeberg
Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty
P.S.: Please forward this link to friends to sign the petition in Polish: www.openpetition.de/petition/online/roznorodnosc-nasion-zagrozona-przeciwko-europejskim-regulacjom-nasiennym-na-rzecz-branzy-nasiennej#googtrans(de%7Cpl) (including the brackets)