
Stop tightening gun laws at the expense of law-abiding citizens now!

Petition richtet sich an
Bundesregierung Deutschland

115.517 Unterschriften

111.675 von 30.000 für Quorum in Deutschland Deutschland

115.517 Unterschriften

111.675 von 30.000 für Quorum in Deutschland Deutschland
  1. Gestartet 20.09.2024
  2. Sammlung noch 5 Wochen
  3. Einreichung
  4. Dialog mit Empfänger
  5. Entscheidung

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Diese Petition gibt es auch in Deutsch.

Petition richtet sich an: Bundesregierung Deutschland

We – the law-abiding citizens of this country – call on the Federal Government to repeal all new regulations in the security package that criminalize innocent people and severely restrict their daily lives and actions, instead of specifically targeting extremism and terrorism.


In September 2024 (Bundestag Document 20/12805), the Federal Government of Germany, according to its own statements, aims to combat violent Islamism and right-wing extremism. However, the wording and proposed amendments to the Weapons Act are almost exclusively directed against law-abiding legal gun owners, such as hunters, sport shooters, and weapons collectors – as well as against many people who own and responsibly handle regular knives, for example:

Cyclists who carry a multitool as "on-board equipment"

Families who barbecue or picnic in a public park and use cooking or eating utensils

Fisherman, hikers, or mushroom collectors who carry a knife – especially if they use public transportation on their way to nature

Festival-goers who camp and need knives as self-sufficient individuals

Craftsmen who carry a utility knife as a daily tool

These and many other innocent citizens risk being criminalized when they use ordinary knives in public transport, at events, or in many other public places.

Let us be clear: These people are not terrorists! They are neither responsible for the horrific knife attacks of recent times nor for Islamist or extremist crimes.

The proposed tightening of the weapons law does not meet the security package's objectives. Instead, it disadvantages and harasses law-abiding citizens. The proposed regulations are completely unclear and confusing, with the exceptions being incomplete and vague. Terrorists will not be deterred from attacks by this. Needless bureaucracy – such as through extended reliability checks for legal gun owners – will continue to grow, further burdening already overstretched police and security authorities.

Ms. Faeser, stop the criminalization of innocent people in Germany and finally address the root of the problem! Effectively combat illegal gun ownership and extremism!

The petition was initiated by:

BZL – Federal Association of Civilian Legal Firearms e.V.

DJV – German Hunting Association e.V.

BDMP – Federation of Military and Police Marksmen e.V.

BHDS – Federation of Historical German Marksmen's Brotherhoods e.V.

BDS – Federation of German Sport Shooters 1975 e.V.

BVS – Federal Association of Shooting Ranges e.V.

JSM – Association of Manufacturers of Hunting, Sporting Weapons, and Ammunition

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, Tobias Wagener aus Büren
Frage an den Initiator

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Petition gestartet: 20.09.2024
Petition endet: 31.10.2024
Region: Deutschland
Kategorie: Sicherheit

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Noch kein PRO Argument.

Restricting knife length won't prevent crime as criminals can use shorter, equally lethal blades or everyday items like kitchen knives or screwdrivers. Crime is driven by intent, not the tool, so focusing on length doesn’t address the root issue. Enforcing such restrictions is also challenging, with limited real-world impact, and criminals can easily modify or improvise weapons to bypass the law.

Warum Menschen unterschreiben

My husband is a crafstmen, doing and selling handmade knives. The new regulation affects his bussiness. Also I dont agree that innocent people should "suffer" following new rules because of terrorists. The criminals dont care what the law is. They would care a knife anyways.

Weapon laws across the world are being restricted for the average citizen. Even here in America, people are seeing their politicians try to remove their right to defense against evil while enabling criminals. These laws will never have their intended effect and only resrtict a law abiding citizen's ability to use weaponry for whatever task they need it for. This enables criminals by ensuring the process for citizens to acquire life saving tools is arduous; thus, a criminal is more likely to come across an unarmed person they can harm how they please. Part of being a CRIMINAL is committing CRIME, they do not care that possessing a restricted weapon is illegal and will use it as they please. This petition is important to me because we the people must protect ourselves from evil while our leaders leave us to die at the hands of people who hate us and our way of life.

We, in England, have already seen this very same erosion of people's rights, liberties and lifestyles... but more importantly how it *only* impacts those who already abide by the law, by common sense, by common courtesy, and by a civic duty of care anyway. Those already of a mind to break laws and misbehave will not care about another new law, and will carry on being criminals, regardless.
As a famous Doctor once pointed out - "Good men don't need rules"...

Germany should be leading the way in effective crime reduction and showing the UK how it's done, not following our bad examples and retreading in our foolish footsteps.

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