
Petition to abolish tuition fees for international students and second-degree students in Baden-Würt

Petition richtet sich an
Landtag von Baden-Württemberg
2.546 Unterstützende
85% erreicht 3.000 für Sammelziel
2.546 Unterstützende
85% erreicht 3.000 für Sammelziel
  1. Gestartet 06.05.2024
  2. Sammlung noch 17 Tage
  3. Einreichung
  4. Dialog mit Empfänger
  5. Entscheidung

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08.05.2024, 01:42

Education and Science Trade Union (GEW, Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft) was added as the initial signatory.

Neue Begründung:

We would like to point out the negative impact that these fees have had on the number of international students who have decided to study in Baden-Württemberg. The national average number of international students has risen by 32 per cent. In contrast, the number in Baden-Württemberg has fallen by 9 per cent. All other federal states have rising numbers of international students (up to 178%). The proportion of students from Africa, for example, fell by about 33% from 3,793 in the winter semester 2016/17 to 2,523 in the winter semester 2020/21. This decline reflects the financial barriers that prevent people from studying at universities in Baden-Württemberg. This leads to an emphatic reduction in the cultural richness and diversity of educational institutions. Internationalization, especially the internationality of the student body, is severely impaired. We absolutely must reverse this trend and create an environment that encourages all students to choose to study in Baden-Württemberg. The number of second-degree students has fallen steadily by almost 30% from 7,941 in the 2016/17 winter semester to 5,568 in the 2022/23 winter semester. (www.wissenschaft-weltoffen.de/en/data/ & www.statistik-bw.de/)

It is important to recognize the additional challenges faced by international students due to the energy crisis, inflation, massive rent increases and difficulties in their home countries, as well as the problems caused by the pandemic. These circumstances have led to greater financial difficulties, limited job opportunities and restricted access to key resources. As a result, it is increasingly difficult for international students to manage their expenses, including the additional burden of tuition fees.

We strongly believe that education should be accessible to all, regardless of nationality and socio-economic status. By abolishing tuition fees for international students and second-degree students in Baden-Württemberg, the commitment/readiness for equal opportunities in education and the promotion of a welcoming and inclusive academic environment can be demonstrated while ensuring that students from all over the world can come to Baden-Württemberg. This is also necessary in order to counteract the massive shortage of skilled labor in Baden-Württemberg's economy.

We ask the state government and the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg to take the following measures:

  • Initiate a policy change to immediately abolish fees for international students and second-degree students in Baden-Württemberg, facilitate access to education and promote cultural exchange. Provide universities with sufficient funding and appropriate resources.
  • Engage in dialogue with student representatives and organizations to hear first-hand the concerns and challenges of international students.

By removing the financial barriers that international students and second-degree students currently face, it is possible to take a significant step towards building a more inclusive and globally connected academic community in Baden-Württemberg, internationalizing universities and reducing the skills shortage in BW.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We ask that you respond to this petition outlining the steps that should be taken to address these issues. Let us work together to create an educational environment that values diversity, promotes academic growth, and supports the aspirations of all students.

initial signatory

  • Campaign against education and tuition fees (ABS, Aktionsbündnis gegen Bildungs- und Studiengebühren)
  • Federal Association of international Students (BAS, Bundesverband ausländischer Studierender)
  • Free association of student organizations (fzs, Freier zusammenschluss von studentInnenschaften)
  • Education and Science Trade Union (GEW, Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft)
  • Baden-Württemberg State Student Representation (LaStuVe) (Landesstudierendenvertretung (LaStuVe) Baden-Württemberg)

Neues Zeichnungsende: 03.08.2024
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 596

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