
Keine Gewalt gegen Gewalt - Ukraine-Waffenlieferungen und Wirtschaftskrieg gegen Russland stoppen!

Petition richtet sich an
51 Unterstützende 50 in Deutschland

Sammlung beendet

51 Unterstützende 50 in Deutschland

Sammlung beendet

  1. Gestartet Oktober 2022
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog mit Empfänger
  5. Entscheidung

18.10.2022, 11:22

Meine Idee der Verbindung von Atomwaffenabbau und Ukraine-Entspannung hatten natürlich auch schon andere - sie wird aber zu wenig diskutiert. Hier sehr gut argumentiert in einem Artikel für das Washingtoner politische Magazin "The Hill":

Zusammenfassung: On July 19, The Hill published Nuclear strategy and ending the war in Ukraine, a very interesting article by Oscar Arias, Nobel Peace Laureate and former President of Costa Rica; and Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute, a NoFirstUse Global participating organization.

Mr Arias and Mr Granoff propose that the United States and NATO "plan and prepare for withdrawal of all U.S. nuclear warheads from Europe and Turkey" as a way to "get Putin’s attention and bring him to the negotiating table" and possibly agree to end the war.

It's a very interesting and bold proposal that is generating considerable buzz, including at the Annual Meeting on Saturday of Abolition 2000, the global network to eliminate nuclear weapons.

It would allow Putin a way to end the invasion by claiming domestically (to Russians) that he had scored a victory - the elimination of US nuclear weapons in Europe. At the same time it would not diminish the security of NATO countries which ascribe to nuclear deterrence, as such deterrence does not rely on the US nuclear weapons being based in Europe

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