Region: homeplate

Woori Card Ranked 2nd in the Rebuilding Season

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  1. Gestartet 11.08.2024
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Petition richtet sich an: homeplate

Woori Card was short of 1 point and missed out on first place in the regular league.


I Missed Out on First Place due to the Absence of a Solver... Woori Card Ranked 2nd in the Rebuilding Season

Even as key players left the team, the void was filled with exciting trades, and starting setter Han Tae-jun, who is in his second year after graduating from high school, achieved the biggest growth and hit the jackpot... Achieved 1st place in average attendance for the men's division with 2,954 people

Woori Card was short of 1 point and missed out on first place in the regular league.

The absence of a problem solver in the game was painful.

Woori Card lost to Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance with a set score of 2-3 (24-26 25-23 25-20 21-25 14-16) in the professional volleyball Dodram 2023-2024 V League men's visiting match held at Chungmu Gymnasium in Daejeon on the 16th.

Woori Card, which could have advanced directly to the championship game by finishing first in the regular league with a win on this day, was unable to overcome the final hurdle and will begin spring volleyball in the playoffs. 동행복권파워볼

The point difference between 1st place Korean Air (71 points, 23 wins, 13 losses) and 2nd place Woori Card (70 points, 23 wins, 13 losses) was only 1.

Although they lost first place in the regular league due to consecutive losses against Hyundai Capital on the 12th and against Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance on the 16th, looking at Woori Card's team composition, second place is also a meaningful result.

Last spring was cruel for Woori Card.

It all started when the team's ace, Na Kyung-bok, who was about to enlist, was taken away by KB Insurance through a free agent (FA) contract.

In the Asia Quarter Tryout, Issei Otake (registered name Issei) was selected at the 7th and last place, and in the foreign player draft, Matei Kok (registered name Matei) was selected at 6th overall, which was all that strengthened the team's strength.

Fortunately, Woori Card was able to breathe through trade.

Setter Hwang Seung-bin, who had been retained through FA renewal, was sent to KB Insurance through a trade, and outside hitter Han Seong-jeong was brought in as compensation.

In addition, Song Hee-chae, who lost her place due to the recruitment of Han Seong-jeong, was sent to OK Financial Group and Song Myeong-geun was received.

Since there was no starting setter in sight and the team was unable to properly strengthen its strength in the free agent market, it was difficult to avoid Woori Card's season outlook being in the bottom tier.

Woori Card coach Shin Young-cheol, a master who has experienced many hardships, had no choice but to say at Media Day, "It is still unfinished, but I will show you a better performance as time goes by."

Woori Card, which everyone thought was a 'rebuilding season' to rebuild its power, ran a race that was almost a turnaround and finished the regular league in second place.

KBSN Sports commentator Bong-woo Yoon, who played an active part as a player in the 2019-2020 season when Woori Card took first place in the regular league, analyzed that it was a result of a strong domestic player base.

Commissioner Yoon said, "Woori Card's strength was not inferior to Korean Air.

When there were no foreign players for a while, the power of domestic players ultimately created the current situation." He also added,

"We replaced everyone with young players.

Woori Card was evaluated as having started the season as a sprout, but this was not a sprout but a sapling."

In this way, Woori Card settled in second place, higher than originally expected, thanks to the strength of its young players.

Kim Ji-han, the successor who took over the 'ace' position after Na Kyung-bok left the team, showed not only his athletic ability but also his sense of responsibility both on and off the court with his improved skills.

Song Myung-geun showed his presence in both offense and defense, and Han Seong-jeong, also a transfer, also showed himself as a team player.

Middle blocker Park Jin-woo, who was brought in as a compensatory player for Na Kyung-bok, led Woori Card's 'league's strongest blocking corps' along with Issei and Lee Sang-hyun.

The player who deserves more attention than anyone else is starting setter Han Tae-jun.

Taejun Han, a second-year pro, was selected as a starting player from the opening game of the regular season and kept that position.

Han Tae-jun, who was tenaciously pushed by coach Shin Young-cheol, a former setter, grew into a top setter in the league as he gained more experience as the season progressed.

Woori Card achieved great results and was a huge hit at the box office.

The average number of spectators for Woori Card's home games at Jangchung Gymnasium in Seoul this season was 2,954, an increase of about 14% from 2,589 last year.

Woori Card achieved the number of spectators and profits through a premium strategy and star marketing with Kim Ji-han at the forefront.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, outlookindia aus Seoul
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Petition gestartet: 11.08.2024
Petition endet: 10.02.2025
Region: homeplate
Kategorie: Sport

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