
Vaccination regulation without special case provision

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
Deutscher Bundestag Petitionsausschuss

60 Unterschriften

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60 Unterschriften

Petent hat die Petition nicht eingereicht/übergeben.

  1. Gestartet 2021
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  5. Gescheitert
Diese Petition gibt es auch in Deutsch.

Petition richtet sich an: Deutscher Bundestag Petitionsausschuss

The Coronavirus Vaccination Ordinance - CoronaImpfV, issued by the Federal Ministry of Health with effect from December 15, 2020, does not contain any special case regulation provision that enables cases of hardship to be taken into account while assigning a person to a prioritized group..
Since the Vaccination Ordinance curtails various basic rights, a special case regulation provision is an urgent requirement for humanitarian reasons.


My case: As a German citizen, I have been living in India for 27 years.
After the suspension of international air traffic at the end of May last year, I made use of a privileged departure option for German citizens living in India, announced by the German consulate in Bengaluru / India, - because the health of my mother, who lives in a nursing home, had deteriorated dramatically due to the pandemic; meanwhile she has passed away without that I have been given the opportunity to meet her.
After I left India, my entry visa (X visa) was suspended due to the pandemic; however, the Indian government issued me a new entry visa as a humanitarian gesture on December 23rd.
Since mid-December, I have written to the Berlin Senator for Health, the Federal Minister of Health and the Federal Chancellor, unsuccessfully, asking to be included in Group I of the prioritized people, although I will not reach the criterion of reaching the age of 80 until February 18, 2021 .
The center of my life has been in India for 27 years. There is my home and I urgently need to return so that I can take care of my house and my staff again, or dispose my responsibility and duties as co convenor of the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) Thrissur, an office into which I was elected as a founding member in 2013, having been re-elected in November of last year.
The Coronavirus Vaccination Ordinance - CoronaImpfV, issued by the Federal Ministry of Health with effect from December 15, 2020, does not give me the opportunity to make my voice heard by referring to such a provision, - because there is no special case provision. On the other hand, it gives the officials an opportunity, as in my case, to either not react at all, to refer to the responsibility of subordinate authorities or only to the Coronavirus Vaccination Ordinance - CoronaImpfV and / or corresponding links containing information from the Senate Administration.

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Petition gestartet: 25.01.2021
Petition endet: 23.03.2021
Region: Deutschland
Kategorie: Bürgerrechte

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