
The Nordic Ski World Championships in Oberstdorf deserve a second chance

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Fédération Internationale de Ski

703 podpisy

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703 podpisy

Navrhovatel nepodal petici.

  1. Zahájena 2021
  2. Sbírka byla dokončena
  3. Předloženy
  4. Dialog
  5. Neúspěšný

Petice je adresována: Fédération Internationale de Ski

The World Cup will definitely take place. That's the credo of the Organizers of the Nordic Ski World Championships in Oberstdorf. One has to wish it for the many athletes who have put a lot of effort into preparing for it. The doubts as to whether spectators will also be there have certainly grown, but for the athletes it is important that the sports facilities offer perfectconditions for the competition. This is the case and so one can hope for a fair and exciting Championship despite all adversities.

So all is well? No, definitely not…. Whoever experienced the first World Cup in 1987 when Thomas Müller reached the finishing line as the final runner for the gold medal of the German Nordic Combined team, knows that they were present at the biggest festival the Allgäu has ever experienced. But also in 2005 hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic spectators, guests and locals created a great atmosphere throughout the Allgäu. The NSWC 21 will take place, maybe without spectators, we don't know yet. But one knows for sure what is not going to take place.

There will be no award ceremony in the village center, there will be no tent in the cross-country stadium, there will be no Nordic Park, there will be no World Cup village, there will be no World Cup bar, there will be no Norwegian Camp, there will be no World Cup feeling in the stadiums, on the tracks, on the streets. There will be nothing that connects the competitions to life in the village. There will be nothing that creates that unique joyful atmosphere which makes such an event a lasting success. With the exception of the certainly exciting competitions, there will be nothing that was aintended when the high costs of this event were approved after many heated discussions in the community and district. But there will be concern about how the World Cup will affect the infection rate and thus our further winter season.

DSV President and AR Chairman Steinle "vehemently" objected any plans to postpone the World Cup and referred to the current contracts of the FIS with sponsors and television companies. Well, regardless of whether the World Cup is taking place or not, I would like to ask Mr Steinle - no, I expect from him as the DSV President with an important say in the FIS, to work just as vehemently to ensure that Oberstdorf is awarded a World Cup again as soon as possible. That way the sports facilities can be used again at no additional cost and a sports festival can be celebrated that deserves this name. Trondheim was awarded the contract for 2025 only just over two months ago. There should be opportunities for discussion due to the current, unprecedented situation. We can cope with a ghost jumping tour, a ghost World Cup leaves a huge economic and emotional void.

For many years, Oberstdorf has received the greatest praise for the commitment and the perfect organization at many FIS events. One should expect that we will get something back from the FIS and that loyalty is rewarded in this pandemic.


The tiny corona virus casts its big shadow on the Nordic World Ski Championships 2021 and makes impossible much of what was planned and what Oberstdorf is known for in worldwide the skiing community. If you agree that the organizers and helpers, the spectators and guests, Oberstdorf and the Allgäu, deserve a second chance to celebrate a real sports festival in a timely manner, then please support this petition with your vote.

Please share the petition with family, friends, guests and employees,because broad support is certainly helpful for those responsible in possible discussions with theFIS

This petition is supported by the Bavarian Hotel and Restaurant Association Oberstdorf and the Winterfest operators

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Informace o petici

Petice zahájena: 02. 01. 2021
Petice končí: 31. 03. 2021
Kraj : Zemský okres Oberallgäu
kategorie : Sportovní

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