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Petition richtet sich an: LWL-Museum of Fine Arts and Culture Münster, Landscape Association Westfalen-Lippe, City of Münster, Sculpture Projects 2017
The Initiative for Public Art Münster calls for greater transparency in the times of digitization, globalization and new economies, the themes of "Skulptur Projekte Münster 2017". In the face of the rude marketing overlap of the LWL (Landschaftsverband-Westfalen-Lippe), the artist's work »Silver Frequency«, newly recognized by the internationally renowned lighting artist Otto Piene (ZERO Group), was launched in 2014 on the outer wall of the LWL Museum of Art and Culture " in Munster.
In the middle of Otto Piene's redesigned work, the LWL logo now shines with flawless letters in meter-sized letters. The conversion of the work of art to an "LWL advertising system" as well as to "art as a trademark" is difficult to accept. Therefore, the initiative would like to establish the public and open up an art discourse in order to bring more transparency and clarification into these intolerable events on the museum facade.
This is all the more true since the sculpture projects of Münster 2017 of the LWL have as their theme »Digitization, Globalization and New Economies« and are to examine the change of »art and the public« in Münster. In an openly and professionally conducted struggle with the »LWL-façade«, which was openly and professionally conducted in a sculptural, emancipative manner, there was the chance that the public would be transparent, participative and cosmopolitan.
The Initiative for Art and the Public Münster therefore calls for:
the Landschaftsverband-Westfalen-Lippe (LWL), in addition to its scientific commissions for antiquity, dialect, literature, geography and folklore, as well as a contemporary art commission. To examine the LWL marketing overlap on art as well as the topic of »Changing of museal and curatorial tasks in the sign of digitization, globalization and new economies«, as well as an expert consultation of the LWL Culture Committee.
the LWL Museum for Art and Culture, during the »Sculpture Projects 2017«, the International Symposium on the subject of »LWL-Logo and Silver Frequency«, which has already been announced several times by Director Dr. Hermann Arnhold.
LWL and "sculpture projects" to release the "Piene" location at the LWL Museum of Art and Culture for necessary participatory processes, discourses and artistic ideas from the local and international public. Suggestions, concepts and criticism should be collected, discussed and documented during the sculpture projects.
The Landschaftsverband-Westfalen-Lippe (LWL), the operator of the LWL Museum, is responsible for the museal marketing overshoots which are irresponsible under curatorial and ethical aspects. At the same time, he is the sponsor and organizer of the international exhibition "Skulptur Projekte 2017", which examines and discusses the change of "art and the public" in Münster every 10 years. In 2017, they will be discussing "digitization, globalization and new economies". So what is closer in the sense of art than to take responsibility for this collection of art for representative museum purposes on the outer wall of the museum? This is because, obviously, deprecatory exaggerations of the current sculpture projects are, as it were, symbolically visible on the facade of the "LOGO \ PIENE-amalgam".
The "Logo Attack on Art" still has a special impact: the artist Otto Piene, who died in 2014, before the inauguration of his newly digitized "Silver Frequency", is supposed to be the insertion of the LWL logo under "art is information" aspects In his work. LWL Reponsibles assure that the artist had wanted so himself - but that would be his work, including the LWL logo, is a "work of art". Even if this should not be voluntary, but under pressure: its light work should obviously not be reinstalled without logo consideration. A dismantling of the LWL-logo would then be a further incapacitating intervention in the "artistic work" of Otto Piene. Also the information from the city of Münster on a GREEN request for a possible violation of the old-town charges ("advertising installations in the form of lighting projections are then inadmissible") asserts that this is »art« and not advertising!
The "LOGO \ PIENE - Art / Marketing-Construct" thus presents itself as a high complex of clarification under "art / autonomy questions." A removal of the LWL logo before the start of the sculpture projects in 2017, the museum façade and Piene art "To wash clean" would be irresponsible in the face of its contemporary symbolic significance for art. Whatever happens to the work of the pioneer, she needs a proper, thoroughly and thoroughly conducted art-discourse during the sculpture projects.
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