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Petition richtet sich an: District of Friesland, City of Wilhelmshaven, Lower Saxony, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Economics Lower Saxony, ADAC, DMV, DMSB
In 10 years the Jade Race at Mariensiel Airport has become an internationally renowned racing event with distinction. But in 2020 the facility is no longer available for the Jade Race. The reason: quality problems with the new track surface. One of the most economically and profiled touristic events, and according to the former mayor of Wilhelmshaven, Wagner; one of the main attractions in the region is thus on the verge of being finally closed down. On behalf of the Jade Race UG and of the numerous active men and women of this motorsport, at least 70 volunteers, visitors and fans, as well as the economically committed companies, hotels, restaurants and exhibitors we demand the support of the politicians in finding and providing a facility for this event. This support was decided upon and promised (in the committees for economy, tourism, district development and finances on 09.12.2019) - but since then nothing has happened. Without political support it is almost impossible to obtain the permission needed to hold a race at an airfield. By examining and possibly improving of the surface at Mariensiel Airfield, the continuation of the Jade Race could be secured. Should the result of the examination, that was commissioned by the committee, show that the asphalt complies with the guidelines, the Jade Race UG will take out an organiser's insurance policy that meets the requirements of the District Administrator Mr. Ambrosy. The former airfield in Up Jever could represent an alternative racetrack, through which one could at least enter into a dialogue with the operator. So there are concrete measures in place to support the event. We call on politicians to actively pursue these measures
Here the link to a video about the Jade-Race
For further information please visit our website.
The Jade Race is the most renowned race of its kind in Germany after the Nitrolympx on the Hockenheimring. It has attracted teams from all over Europe to the region. The high level of professionalism and perfect handling of this complex racing event has made the Jade Race attractive for racing teams and spectators from all over Europe. It is with the passion of our heart, that we have developed this event into a professional race event with a high safety standard. For this, volunteers were trained in multiday specialist trainings and safety courses by the DMSB in Frankfurt. We actively promote youth and young talent. The youngest drivers are 7 years of age and participate in specially designed vehicles. These young drivers represent the engineers and technicians of tomorrow - our future. In our motorsport, alternative fuels, the development of efficient technologies for performance development as well as e-mobility are definitely an issue. The technology transfer of privately developed knowledge into the automotive industry has already taken place more than once.
We offer a legal alternative to illegal road racing on public roads, in compliance with motorsport safety standards. Drag Racing is a passionately pursued, technically demanding motorsport of committed individualists; motorsport without the lobby of the car industry and therefore a motorsport with character. It is the type of motorsport that brings teams and spectators from across Europe together and unites them into a friendly community. Meanwhile, the extinction of racetracks in Germany has reached a level that is threatening the very existence of motorsport.
We need a racetrack - we need your support and your signature. Michael Behrens Managing Director Jade Race UG
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Germany / European Neighbouring Countries
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