200 Unterschriften
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Petition richtet sich an: An die Bundesregierung
We, the undersigned, believe that politicians and the judiciary underestimate the fact that civilians in Germany are attacked with electromagnetic radiation. Nevertheless, it should be taken into consideration that all these technologies have a large shadow side in addition to their civilian benefits. The high degree of intransparency and secrecy in the military-technological field leaves many aspects of research and application in the dark.
What is needed here is clarification, transparency and a willingness to work together to create secure structures that will counteract misuse.
Legislators must take note of the problems posed by new weapons technologies such as microwave weapons, the proliferation and misuse of which could pose risks to Human Rights, and implement legal protection.
Patent Radiation Weapon: https://patents.google.com/patent/DE10012305A1/de
The invention relates to a device for generating a beam, of living things of all kinds, depending on the setting (stepless or gradually) from slight current malaise to death leads. By opening two separate current-conducting tunnels into the air that strike a common current-conducting target at two different locations, a high-voltage generator can be used to set in motion electrical charge carriers that complete a circuit. Because living things resist current, they are heated and electrified by the current. In the case of alternating current signals, the heart function is also affected. Depending on the beam intensity, the target is damaged. Since cardiac functions can be affected even with very low current, this beam weapon is ideal as a means that can cause cardiac shock to render a living being harmless.
Patent: of a directed energy weapon: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2016024265A1/en.
The petition is important for all citizens in Germany and worldwide, because it can affect anyone.
We, 260 affected persons, call on the government, the public prosecutor's office and the courts to ensure the necessary criminal laws and to recognize radiation attacks against civilians as the most serious crimes and to prosecute them - for the protection of all citizens in Germany and worldwide.
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