
Group Looking For Kansas Casino, Plans Revealed

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Bürgermeister Matthias Lehmann
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Die Petition wurde abgeschlossen

  1. Gestartet Februar 2024
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Beendet

A group looking for a destination casino in southeast Kansas has developed an 80,000-square-foot casino plan with a 250-room hotel.


The proposal, unveiled at a news conference in Galena on Friday, was prompted by a bill proposed by Gov. Kathleen Sebelius a year ago to allow five state-run casinos.
Although the bill was eventually rejected by lawmakers, the debate had unexpected consequences. A study commissioned by the Kansas Lottery found that southeastern Kansas, especially Galena, was the best fit for the state's complex.
As a result, an organization called Kansas for Economic Growth was created, which unveiled its casino plan. Members hope that the casino issue will be raised again in the legislature this year.
Kansas Economic Growth spokesman Ross Vogel and some lawmakers said the Kansas Supreme Court's ruling could force the legislature to find new sources of revenue to increase funding for public education. 카지노사이트
The court ruled that the lawmakers are not fulfilling their constitutional obligation to provide adequate education for more than 460,000 students. The court said that more money was needed, but it left it up to lawmakers how much to spend and how to spend it.
"With the conservative nature of the House, they won't want to raise taxes. We're going to have to have alternative sources," said Doug Gatewood, a member of the Decolumbus.
Congressman-elect Julie Menhinney made a similar assessment.
"I think the court mandate will make (the expanded game) more palatable to some people who have been reluctant to support it in the past," she said.
Once the plan is passed, you will have to complete a lot of details.
Kansans for Economic Growth, for example, did not offer a location for the casino, though Galena appears to be the most likely location. Vogel expected casino developers to foot the bill.
"First of all, we've already gotten calls from developers because of the benefits of the research," Vogel said. "I think we're going to be in a real competitive advantage where we can get the best possible developers. Casino developers have a lot more money than Kansan for economic growth, so they're probably the ones who will fund it."

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