Region: Seoul

Go Woo-suk, Im Just a Pitcher Trying Out for MLB

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500 für Sammelziel
  1. Gestartet 28.07.2024
  2. Sammlung noch 4 Monate
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Petition richtet sich an: outlookindia

Go Woo-suk said, “Thanks to the LG club’s consideration, I trained at the Icheon 2nd team training center while waiting for my visa to be issued.


Go Woo-suk "I'm Just a Pitcher Trying Out for MLB... Starting from Entering the Opening Roster"

Departure on the 9th to join San Diego Spring Camp

Go Woo-suk (25, San Diego Padres) humbled himself by saying, “I am a pitcher who has not yet thrown a single ball in the major league.”

Although he is mentioned as a 'closing pitcher candidate' in local American media, he has set his primary goal as entering the opening roster (26 players).

However, if he overcomes the first hurdle well, Go Woo-suk can play as a closing pitcher like he did for the LG Twins of the Korean Professional Baseball League. 메이저사이트

On the afternoon of the 9th, Go Woo-suk went to the departure hall of Incheon International Airport to board a flight to Seattle, USA.

Go Woo-suk, who met with reporters before leaving the country, said, "I was worried that I would not be able to leave the country by the start of spring training due to the delay in issuing my visa, but thanks to the help of many people, I was able to leave the country on time." I took it off.

On the 4th of last month, Go Woo-suk signed a 2+1 year contract with San Diego for up to $9.4 million.

He is guaranteed $4 million for two years, and depending on his performance, if the club exercises the option, he will sign a one-year extension for $3 million for the third year.

The plus option based on performance is $2.4 million, and if the club does not exercise the option two years later, Go Woo-suk will receive a buyout amount of $500,000 in the form of farewell and become a free agent.

San Diego pitchers and catchers will begin 'official spring camp' at the Peoria Sports Complex in Arizona, USA on the 11th local time.

San Diego's key infielders Kim Ha-seong and Go Woo-suk's 'official joint training' (Full Squad First Workout) will be held on the 16th when the entire big league team, including the fielders, gathers.

Go Woo-suk said, “Thanks to the LG club’s consideration, I trained at the Icheon 2nd team training center while waiting for my visa to be issued.

“Many people helped me, including coach Seo Yong-bin and coach Kyung Heon-ho,” he said, recalling the time he spent in Korea after signing a major league contract.

Upon arriving in the U.S., Go Woo-suk plans to take a physical test, improve his pitch, and begin competing within the team.

Last year, San Diego tailback Josh Hader left for the Houston Astros.

Go Woo-suk is expected to compete with Yuki Matsui, Wandy Peralta, and Robert Suarez to finish in San Diego in 2024.

Go Woo-suk, who began his professional career by being first drafted by the LG Twins of the Korean Professional Baseball League in 2017, appeared in 354 games until 2023 and posted 19 wins, 26 losses, 139 saves, 6 holds, and an ERA of 3.18.

In 2022, he was named the KBO League's relief king with 42 saves.

The San Diego Union Tribune said, "Go Woo-suk throws a fastball at 151-154 km/h.

The highest speed is 158 km/h.

His main weapons are a power curve at 132 km/h and a cut fastball at 145-148 km/h."

He added, "Go Woo-suk is San Diego's finishing touch."

He introduced himself as a “candidate.”

First of all, Go Woo-suk said, "I am a pitcher who has just begun his challenge to the big leagues.

I know that I am lacking," and "Right now, rather than being conscious of the race to finish, I only think about entering the opening roster and finishing the season in good health."

Lee Jeong-hoo (25, San Francisco Giants), who signed a six-year contract worth $113 million (about 150.3 billion won), is already training in Arizona.

Go Woo-suk can meet his brother-in-law Lee Jeong-hoo during the Lunar New Year holiday in Korean time.

However, Go Woo-suk, who is focused on entering the big league roster, does not have time to enjoy the Lunar New Year holiday.

He smiled and said, “When I meet Jung-hoo, I will ask him to buy me something nice,” but also added, “I think I will have a hectic time when I arrive in the United States.”

Go Woo-suk decided to endure the brief separation from his son, who was born in November of last year.

Still, it is a relief to have ‘Korean senior’ Kim Ha-seong in San Diego.

Go Woo-suk said, "Ha-seong welcomed me, saying he was happy to play on the same team.

He is in an unfamiliar league, and I feel relieved to have someone he knows on the team."

San Diego will play the opening two-game series against the Los Angeles Dodgers on March 20th and 21st at Gocheok Sky Dome in Guro-gu, Seoul.

There will also be a practice game with the Korean baseball team on March 17th and against LG on the 18th.

If Go Woo-suk succeeds in entering the opening roster, which is his first goal, he can return to Incheon International Airport, where he left with a trembling heart, with a proud feeling.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, outlookindia aus Seoul
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Petition gestartet: 28.07.2024
Petition endet: 27.01.2025
Region: Seoul
Kategorie: Sport

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