
Glass lives in Frauenau! Secure its Future with the Glass Culture Campus - NOW!

A petíció címzettje
Petitionsausschuss des bayerischen Landtags

2 052 Aláírások

A gyűjtés befejeződött

2 052 Aláírások

A gyűjtés befejeződött

  1. Indított július 2023
  2. A gyűjtés befejeződött
  3. Benyújtott
  4. Párbeszéd a címzettel
  5. Döntés

A petíció címzettje: Petitionsausschuss des bayerischen Landtags

This petition brings together the friends of Erwin and Gretel Eisch and supporters of Bild-Werk Frauenau and beyond in the worldwide studio glass community, and all those who have lost their hearts in Frauenau.
We call upon the Bavarian State Government to financially support the concept of a GLASS CULTURE CAMPUS and to sustainably secure the future of glass and art in Frauenau NOW.


For over sixty years Erwin and Gretel Eisch inspired countless people with their ideas, their art, their commitment to mankind and to nature. From 1965 onwards, Erwin Eisch gathered the international glass art world around his studio glass furnace within the Eisch glass works, making Frauenau the European capital of the studio glass movement.
At Bild-Werk Frauenau this distinctive combination of glass, art and craft, of poetry and the joy of creation lives on. Since 1988, the International Summer Academy has sparked between regional skills, western European traditions and transatlantic innovation. Further, in the EU project "Glass Works", young glass people have found their way into cross-border networks and international marketing. Lively relationships and networks have grown in the region and across Europe in diverse projects and cultural initiatives.
In the summer of 2023 we stand at a turning point. In order to continue these activities, we need a reliable guarantee for the future. The Academy, as well as the atmospheric Art Nouveau villa with the Foundation of Erwin and Gretel Eisch, are endangered in their existence.
Together with many knowledgeable people from culture and politics, we developed the idea of the GLASS CULTURE CAMPUS and put it up for discussion. The concept brings together the unique potentials of Frauenau: educational work in art and culture, creative industries in glass and the cross-border heritage of the glassmakers. They could find their permanent place and home in the listed glassworks ambience in Frauenau. Details of the concept can be read below.
In Frauenau, the future of glass has already started. NOW it is time to secure it!
Let the heart of glass continue to beat!
For the board and staff of Bild-Werk Frauenau:
Heinz Fischer and Prof. Dr. Katharina Eisch-Angus (chairs), Mark Angus, Brigitte Busch, Anne Petters, Michal Poustka
Sarah Höchstetter (Geschäftsführerin), Jana Jaksova

Köszönjük támogatását, Bild-Werk Frauenau e.V. , Frauenau
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A petíció részletes meghatározása

A petíció elkezdődött: 2023. 07. 31.
A petíció véget ér: 2023. 10. 30.
Terület: Alsó-Bajorország
Kategória: Kultúra

Ezt a petíciót lefordították a következő nyelvekre


  • Petition was submitted

    2023. 11. 21. -on,-en,-ön,-án,-én

    Dear friends of Bild-Werk, of Glas and of Erwin and Gretel Eisch,

    A big THANK YOU goes out to all supporters of the petition. We were overwhelmed by the many signatures and, above all, the many encouraging comments about Bild-Werk and its importance for studio glass, for the region, but also for so many individual artists and glass enthusiasts!
    On Friday we were able to hand over the collected signatures, along with over 600 comments from supporters, to State Minister Bernreiter. In an one-hour conversation, we were able to explain our concerns to him and ask for support, which we were assured of. The petition is a further step towards bringing our concerns into politics and making our voices heard! It remains exciting to see what happens next.

    Your... további

  • Changes to the petition

    2023. 08. 09. -on,-en,-ön,-án,-én
  • Changes to the petition

    2023. 08. 07. -on,-en,-ön,-án,-én

The skill of glass processing in all its aspects has a centuries-old history, which is important to be preserved! The Glass Culture Campus in Frauenau is one of the best ways to make that happen.

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Ezt a petíciót lefordították a következő nyelvekre

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