Region: Münster

Give Münster´s Annette von Droste-Hülshoff a proper public space

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
Stadt Münster, Bürgeranliegen und Beschwerden, Stadthaus 1, Klemensstrasse 10, 48127 Münster
12 Unterstützende 5 in Münster

Die Petition wurde vom Petenten zurückgezogen

12 Unterstützende 5 in Münster

Die Petition wurde vom Petenten zurückgezogen

  1. Gestartet 2021
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Gescheitert

Increasingly, it is becoming clear that in this world built by and for men, female perspectives are lacking, including in the public space ( The lack of public statues and art of and about women is worrisome, since A. half of the population is not represented in our streets, B. women, like men, have accomplished great things, which may inspire all citizens.
Every inhabitant of Münster, a city in the German province Northrhine-Westphalia, will acknowledge the current lack of female statues in Münster´s streets and parks. It is therefore outrageous that the large "Eisemannbrunnen" is currently being reconstructed at Münster´s Promenade right in front of the small statue of Germany´s most famous female poet, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, which already stands hidden off-road, behind bushes.
I require the City of Münster to immediately reposition Annette von Droste-Hülshoff´s statue and give her a prominent place at the Promenade, where all pedestrians can encounter her and get inspired by her history of resilience and strength, and the magnificent poetry she has written, which is still taught at German high schools today. This should be the start of redesigning Münster´s public spaces to fairly represent all genders.


The lack of statues and art of and about women in public spaces is worrisome, since A. half of the population is not represented in our streets, B. women, like men, have accomplished great things, which may inspire all citizens. See this book for a comprehensive summary of lack of female perspectives in all social-cultural domains:

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung

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  • Dear supporter,
    Thank you for supporting the effort to increase the visibility of women in the public space in Münster. Per recommendation, I have contacted the Münster municipality and the Annette von Droste Hulshoff association concerning this matter. Although the latter was open to discuss a novel place for the statue of Annette, the Münster municipality, after taking its time to respond, has denied the request to replace the statue and evaluate to what degree there is a balanced gender representation of its public space. At present, I have no capacity to pursue the matter any further, however, at least a signal has been given to these associations that citizens are concerned about this topic, and it is my hope that others will pursue it.... weiter

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