
Building bridges and not walls: language courses for migrants have to stay!

Petition richtet sich an
Innenministerin Nancy Faeser und der Petitionsausschuss der Bundesregierung Deutschland
3.084 Unterstützende 2.948 in Deutschland
10% von 30.000 für Quorum
3.084 Unterstützende 2.948 in Deutschland
10% von 30.000 für Quorum
  1. Gestartet 25.07.2024
  2. Sammlung noch > 5 Monate
  3. Einreichung
  4. Dialog mit Empfänger
  5. Entscheidung

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Dear Ms. Fraeser,
In the coming year, the federal government of Germany plans to cut funds for integration, language, and alphabetization courses for migrants by half, from 1.1 billion to 500 million Euros. These courses enable migrants not only to learn the local language but also to understand German society and interact with locals in their daily lives. Additionally, finding work is only possible with a sufficient degree of language proficiency.
The funding for these courses should not be reduced; it must remain steady!
In the coming years, we will need skilled workers in Germany, not only university graduates but also those who work in healthcare, crafts, and gastronomy. Even today, 13 percent of all teachers, 28 percent of doctors, 29 percent of mail delivery workers, and 41 percent of cleaning staff in Germany have a migration background.
If you take integration and the fight against a shortage of skilled workers seriously, you must revoke your plans!


Only a few days ago the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) came to the conclusion that: "Comprehensive language support in particular appears to be having a positive effect: The language skills of immigrants have improved more in Germany than in most other EU countries." (Tagesspiegel vom 4. Juli 2024). A year ago (June 2023), nationwide specialist and professional associations wrote an open letter to the federal government calling for the overall language programme, including integration and vocational language courses, to be saved under the motto ‚Einwanderung gestalten – Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland stärken‘ (‘Shaping immigration - strengthening Germany as a business location’). We agree with this. Only successful integration can help to counter the shortage of skilled labour, which many companies are already describing as a major business risk.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, Pam Cregeen aus München
Frage an den Initiator

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