Region: Lebusa
Bild der Petition Ayre Resorts & Casino Review

Ayre Resorts & Casino Review

Petition richtet sich an
Bürgermeister Marcus Klee
0 Unterstützende 0 in Lebusa

Die Petition wurde abgeschlossen

0 Unterstützende 0 in Lebusa

Die Petition wurde abgeschlossen

  1. Gestartet Februar 2024
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Beendet

The Ayre Resort will be the first of Ayre Group's several five-star luxury brand assets to be developed on the white sand of Valley Church in Antigua and Barbuda.


The $100 million development project, financed by revenue from Bitcoin SV (BSV) valuation, consists of 80 large studio suites and 30 luxury one-bedroom suites, 8 spacious townhouses, 8 luxury condominiums, 3 nice villas, Ayre Wellness Center & Spa and Bodok Casino Club and other general resort facilities. 파워볼실시간
Construction will begin in late summer 2018 and be completed in 2021. The project is expected to create more than 300 construction jobs and more than 350 permanent jobs when opened.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, sportstoto aus Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Hausach
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