
Preventing the Chinese government from becoming involved in the container port in Hamburg

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
Federal Government

5.712 Unterschriften

Petent hat die Petition nicht eingereicht/übergeben.

5.712 Unterschriften

Petent hat die Petition nicht eingereicht/übergeben.

  1. Gestartet 2022
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Gescheitert


31.10.2023, 02:11

Liebe Unterstützende,
der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.

Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
Ihr openPetition-Team

25.10.2022, 11:54

Ein update zur Entwicklung der Situation wurde eingefügt.

New petition description:

The aim is to prevent a Chinese state-owned company from acquiring a stake in the container terminals in the port of Hamburg.

The shipping company COSCO from China wants to take a 35% stake in the port of Hamburg – more precisely, in the container terminal in Tollerort. Specifically, it is 'China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited'. This company emerged from the merger of two state-run companies.



Although six ministries reject this deal, the mayor of Hamburg and the chancellery want to push it through. In addition, the Federal Intelligence Service warns of the long-term political agenda of the CCP and the potential adverse effects on Germany and Europe. If nothing is done, the contract will come into effect automatically at the end of October 2022.

In the best case, this petition will result in the project being canceled. At least it should lead to an extension of the deadline, which is used to further elaborate on this topic and to inform the population. Both government officials and members of the opposition speak out against this plan.

*** UPDATE ***

According to press reports, the ministries opposed to the project have now agreed, so that the sale has now been approved.


In addition, it is now said to be a share of 24.9%, a reduction of 10.1% compared to the previous figures.

*** UPDATE ***

Background for my becoming active:

This project is a tiny part of the 'New Silk Road' infrastructure project, intended to expand China's global dominance. This, in turn, is part of the 'Global China 2049 Initiative'. President Xi Jinping has publicly formulated the goals of this initiative several times. It is about establishing China's socio-political and economic supremacy in the world.

I believe that neither communist nor national socialist regimes should be able to influence our society. However, how the Chinese government is already putting pressure on supposed trading/alliance partners is very well documented.





Signatures at the time of the change: 4,462 (4,428 in Germany)

23.10.2022, 20:55

Fehler korrigiert - aus stattlich wird staatlich

Corrected a mistake - stately managed became state-run

New petition description:

The aim is to prevent a Chinese state-owned company from acquiring a stake in the container terminals in the port of Hamburg.

The shipping company COSCO from China wants to take a 35% stake in the port of Hamburg – more precisely, in the container terminal in Tollerort. Specifically, it is 'China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited'. This company emerged from the merger of two stately managedstate-run companies.



Although six ministries reject this deal, the mayor of Hamburg and the chancellery want to push it through. In addition, the Federal Intelligence Service warns of the long-term political agenda of the CCP and the potential adverse effects on Germany and Europe. If nothing is done, the contract will come into effect automatically at the end of October 2022.

In the best case, this petition will result in the project being canceled. At least it should lead to an extension of the deadline, which is used to further elaborate on this topic and to inform the population. Both government officials and members of the opposition speak out against this plan.

Background for my becoming active:

This project is a tiny part of the 'New Silk Road' infrastructure project, intended to expand China's global dominance. This, in turn, is part of the 'Global China 2049 Initiative'. President Xi Jinping has publicly formulated the goals of this initiative several times. It is about establishing China's socio-political and economic supremacy in the world.

I believe that neither communist nor national socialist regimes should be able to influence our society. However, how the Chinese government is already putting pressure on supposed trading/alliance partners is very well documented.





Signatures at the time of the change: 3,148 (3,124 in Germany)

23.10.2022, 02:01

Es wurde eine komplett englischsprachige Version der Petition erstellt und daher die Übersetzung aus dieser Fassung entfernt. Bitte entschuldigen Sie die Unanehmlichkeiten, man lernt nie aus.

Der Typo in der Überschrift wurde korrigiert. Aus 'Beteilung' wird 'Beteiligung'

Die Informationen wurden spezifiziert. Daher jetzt der Verweis auf 35% Anteile am Tollerort Terminal. Es wurde ein weiterer Link hinzugefügt, sowie das betreffende Unternehmen genau benannt.

Es wurden weiter Hintergrundinformationen und Links hinzugefügt. Der Zeitraum wurde bis zum 30.10.20202 verlängert.


A fully English language version of the petition was created and the translation has therefore been removed from this version. Please excuse the inconvenience, we never stop learning.

The typo in the headline has been corrected. 'Participation' becomes 'Participation'

The information has been specified. Hence the reference to a 35% stake in the Tollerort terminal. Another link was added and t

New petition description:

The aim is to prevent a Chinese state-owned company from acquiring a 35% stake in the container terminals in the port of Hamburg.

www.dw.com/en/germany-scholz-hit-with-backlash-over-plan-for-chinese-investment-in-hamburg-port/a-63505648The shipping company COSCO from China wants to take a 35% stake in the port of Hamburg – more precisely, in the container terminal in Tollerort. Specifically, it is 'China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited'. This company emerged from the merger of two stately managed companies.



Although six ministries reject this deal, the mayor of Hamburg and the chancellery want to push it through. Furthermore,In addition, the Federal Intelligence Service of Germany explicitly warns about the potential detrimental impacts to Germany and Europe concerningof the long-term political agenda of the CCP.CCP and the potential adverse effects on Germany and Europe. If nothing is done, the contract will come into effect automatically at the end of October 2022.

In the best case, this petition will cancelresult in the project.project being canceled. At least it should lead to an extension of the deadline, which is used to further elaborate on this topic and to inform the population. Both government officials and members of the opposition speak out against this plan.

Background for my becoming active:

This project is a tiny part of the 'New Silk Road' infrastructure project, intended to expand China's global dominance. This, in turn, is part of the 'Global China 2049 Initiative'. President Xi Jinping has publicly formulated the goals of this initiative several times. It is about establishing China's socio-political and economic supremacy in the world.

I believe that neither communist nor national socialist regimes should be able to influence our society. However, how the Chinese government is already putting pressure on supposed trading/alliance partners is very well documented.





Signatures at the time of the change: 2,316 (2,293 in Germany)

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