
It is 2020. Catcalling should be punishable.

Petition richtet sich an
Christine Lambrecht (Bundesministerin der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Dr. Franziska Giffey (Bundesministerin für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) & Bundesregierung

69.444 Unterschriften

Petitionsempfänger hat nicht reagiert.

69.444 Unterschriften

Petitionsempfänger hat nicht reagiert.

  1. Gestartet 2020
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Gescheitert


22.12.2023, 02:11

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09.09.2020, 21:45

Es lag ein Formatierungsfehler vor, dieser wurde nun korrigiert. .

Neuer Petitionstext: **It is 2020. Catcalling should be punishable.**
Not every man does it, but every woman knows the problem.
*Catcalling*, is one kind of verbal sexual harassment.
*Catcalls* are not to be confused with compliments:
*„Ey gorgeous“*, *„Ayy nice ass“* or inappropriate gestures and noises are not compliments.
Catcalling is rather the exercise of dominance and power.
Why does one do that in the first place?
The answer is simple: because one can.
** Let **Let us all work together to make sure one cannot do it anymore.****
Verbal sexual harassment is not an offence in Germany.
A prerequisite for sexual harassment is sexually determined physical contact.
So that means sexual harassment without touching is okay?
** The **The solution to the problem: Verbal sexual harassment needs its own place in the law.**
Catcalling cases can be punished with fines, for example.

Neue Begründung: Even more important than the fines is the awareness that is being created.
German law should be a guide for what is right and wrong.
A law against catcalling demonstrates that verbal sexual harassment is definitely wrong.
Sounds abstract, elaborate and impossible to implement?
** In **In France, catcalling has been a criminal offence since 2018** and is punishable by fines of up to 750 euros. Catcalling is also illegal in Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands.
You don't have to be a woman and you do not have to have a daughter or a sister to be against sexual harassment. **The Catcalling Law applies equally to every gender.**
We talk about equality on a regular basis, but we are not moving forward, especially when it comes to legislation. Let us create a legal tool to defend oneself against oppressive and disrespectful comments.
**It is 2020. Verbal sexual harassment should be punishable.**

Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 36.350 (35.362 in Deutschland)

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