903 Unterschriften
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Petition richtet sich an: Sylvia Weber - Councilor for integration & education
We were informed by a representative of the local education authority (Stadtschulamt) on the 13.03.19, that the Kindergarten Sonnenwind and the after school care facilities (Hort) at the Kindergarten Schatzinsel and Weltraum are to be closed.
We demand:
That the Kita Sonnenwind is retained at an alternative location. Mr. Lossa advised at the parent’s info. evening that they are looking for a site for a 13th Kindergarten in Riedberg. This site should be offered to Kita Sonnenwind. This measure would ensure that the child care system in total gains additional space.
That the after school care facilities (Hort) at the Kita Schatzinsel are retained. The education authority’s current plan is to increase the number of Kindergarten spaces at Kita Schatzinsel by closing the after school care facilities. If Kita Sonnenwind moves to a new location, there is no longer a need for this. The space that is gained by the moving of Kita Sonnenwind can be used to create additional after school care spaces (ESB) or for teaching. This solves the original problem of the school having too little space.
It is planned to install pavilions on the old “ Gerichtsplatz”. If these are big enough, this would quickly help to relieve the space problem at the school.
The demand for after school care spaces at the Kita Weltraum is declining. 20 additional Kindergarten spaces here could replace the 20 existing after school care spaces. This would also help to achieve the local education authority’s goal of consolidating after school care. These after school care spaces could then be moved to the ESB.
The concept we are proposing has advantages for all concerned. The Kita Sonnenwind can remain to exist, the after school care offer at the Kita Schatzinsel can be retained, and the school and ESB gain additional space to accommodate the growing number of pupils. On top of this, 20 additional Kindergarten spaces will also be created.
The only prerequisite for this is that the Kindergarten Sonnenwind finds a new site. This should however be possible in a new build area such as Riedberg.
We are criticising the concept of the local education authority (Stadtschulamt) for following reasons:
The reputable Kita Sonnenwind and after school care facilities at the Kita Schatzinsel are to be closed without replacement. Well established structures and teams will be thoughtlessly broken up. The current staff, some of whom travel significant distances to get to Riedberg, will probably leave these establishments. A move from a position in the Kindergarten to one in the ESB or from a position at after school care facilities to one in Kindergarten is unlikely.
Many parents have deliberately chosen to send their child to the after school care facilities (Hort) at the Kita Schatzinsel as it is a smaller, more personal establishment. The after school care at Kita Schatzinsel has a motivated and established team, provides high quality care and has a good child care ratio. In addition to this, the children are cared for by trusted staff over a period of four years. At the school the children are moved from the ESB after two years to the “Pakt für den Nachmittag ”, where the child care ratio is significantly worse. Parents will, according to the new plans, no longer have the option of choosing the after school care facilities at the Kita Schatzinsel.
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Frankfurt am Main Kalbach-Riedberg
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