
Woori Card, Korean Air, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance

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Bürgermeister Alexander Fischer
0 Unterstützende 0 in Doberschau-Gaußig - Dobruša-Huska

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0 Unterstützende 0 in Doberschau-Gaußig - Dobruša-Huska

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  1. Gestartet Januar 2024
  2. Sammlung beendet
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The men's professional volleyball team's battle for the first place in the regular league is in full swing.


The men's team of "Dodram 2023-2024 V-League" has started its break for the All-Star Game after the fourth round. Players are preparing for the fifth and sixth rounds through rest and conditioning.
Starting with the match between Korean Air and Hyundai Capital on the 30th, it will enter the fifth round. 스포츠토토
Woori Card has been leading the league since the beginning of this season. By recruiting outstanding foreign player Mattei, the team stabilized its power and formed a strong offensive line with Kim Ji-han. Setter Han Tae-joon in his second year also made Shin happy. He was on his way to the second regular league championship ever.
However, the team lost power after the middle of the game. Woori Card, composed of young players, collapsed rapidly even when only one player was shaken.
Woori Card (15 wins, 9 losses, 44 points), which recently lost five consecutive games, allowed second-ranked Korean Air (14 wins, 10 losses, 43 points) to chase under its chin.
Woori Card aims to escape a losing streak against Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance on the 31st after increasing its physical strength and power.
Korean Air is on the verge of reclaiming the top spot while Woori Card is slowing down. The possibility of achieving four consecutive wins for the first time in the V-League history has also been revived.
It is encouraging that Lincoln's replacement foreign player Murad Khan has exploded. Khan showed his best performance since his V-League debut, scoring 52 points in the match against Hyundai Capital on the 12th, and contributed to his winning streak by scoring 23 points in the match against Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance on the 16th.
Khan is expected to lead the attack along with Lim Dong-hyuk and Jeong Han-yong in the second half. As the season approaches the end, the presence of a seasoned setter Han is also strong.
"If we supplement just one or two things, I think we will have a positive effect in the remaining 12 games. We will show many changes in our team's outcome," Korean Air coach Tommy Tilikain said in a confident performance.
Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance (15 wins, 9 losses, 40 points) in third place is also aiming for the top spot in the regular league.
Yosbani and Kim Jung-ho, who are running toward the top scorer, are second to the top teams. Many errors and weak defense are unsettling factors.
Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance, however, was strong against Woori Card this season with three wins and one loss, and displayed stellar performance against Korean Air with two wins and two losses. If the team displays concentration in the last 12 games, it is highly likely to leap to the No. 1 spot.
The fourth-ranked OK Financial Group (14 wins, 10 losses, 39 points) has displayed remarkable performance throughout the season. However, it has recently won six consecutive games, threatening top-ranked teams. We have high expectations for Leo's strong attack power in the fifth and sixth rounds.
Leo has averaged nearly 32 points per game in his last seven games.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, toto365pro aus Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Hausach
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