Region: Lebusa
Bild der Petition The Highest Transfer Fee Ever Is Coming Out, A Whopping 336.4 Billion

The Highest Transfer Fee Ever Is Coming Out, A Whopping 336.4 Billion

Petition richtet sich an
Bürgermeister Marcus Klee
0 Unterstützende 0 in Lebusa

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0 Unterstützende 0 in Lebusa

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  1. Gestartet Februar 2024
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
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  5. Beendet

The possibility of a transfer of the century has increased. It is possible that the 'highest transfer fee' in world soccer history will appear. How much is it? And who is it?


The main character is Mohamed Salah, the ace player of Liverpool at the English Premier League. The team that wants him, Saudi Arabia, has played knocks continuously since last year. The team that challenged Salah this time is Saudi Arabia's Al-Itihad.
The owner of the company is Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund. Their assets amount to 343 billion pounds 574.5 trillion won. They are the same team that pays Karim Benzema 200 million euros 287.5 billion won in annual salary.
R-Ittihad has offered a record transfer fee. It has proposed a whopping 234 million euros 336.4 billion won to recruit Salah. It is the highest transfer fee in the history of the world soccer. The previous record was 222 million euros 319.2 billion won in transfer fee for Neymar, which occurred when he moved from Barcelona to Paris Saint-Germain PSG in 2017.
Al-Itihad wants Salah as he offers the world's highest transfer fee. That's how desperate he is to recruit Salah. Saudi Arabia, which has been steadily pursuing Salah recruitment since last season. Salah and Liverpool refused, continuously raising the transfer fee. In the end, it came to the world's highest transfer fee. 토토사이트
The Athletic reported, "Al-Etihad is about to break the world transfer fee record. Al-Etihad is preparing to break the world transfer fee record for Salah. Al-Etihad is ready to provide 234 million euros to Liverpool for Salah. This contract is a new record that exceeds Neymar's 222 million euros."
The choice between Liverpool and Salah was left. It was rejected last summer because there was no alternative to the sudden departure of the ace. However, Liverpool now have enough time to find a Salah replacement. Numerous reports about Salah replacement and numerous analyses of Salah's candidates have also been made.
And local media did not stop Salah from leaving last season, but predicted that he could not stop him from leaving after this season. In addition, Liverpool cannot reject the all-time amount, and through this, they can try to strengthen the team's power. There have even been reports that Salah plans to rebuild the team by recruiting several top-class players, not one superstar.
Above all, coach Jurgen Klopp is leaving. Salah was the crown prince of Klopp's system. He became the world's best player under Klopp's leadership. It is unlikely that Salah will remain in Liverpool, where Klopp left. This is why the world's highest transfer fee is likely to appear.

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