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Petition richtet sich an: Vorstand Siemens Energy AG
The gas turbine manufacturing must stay in Berlin!
The board of directors of Siemens Energy intends to destroy nearly 750 jobs at the Gas Turbine Factory Berlin, which is one-fifth of the employees there. In the actual production line, half of the jobs will be eliminated - the entire production of combustion systems and special parts is to be relocated to low-wage countries in Eastern Europe and Asia.
We fight against this stealing of jobs from our Berlin plant. Gas turbine manufacturing is at the heart of this Berlin landmark. Taking away its manufacturing capacity also threatening the future of the remaining 3,500 jobs at a plant. "I am convinced that this is the critical moment to fight for the future of gas turbine manufacturing in Berlin," says Günter Augustat, chairman of the worker's council and a dedicated engineer himself. To protect the future of this factory, research & development, manufacturing and testing must stay together; as well as the unique tacit knowledge of those 750 employees working here to offer "Power from Berlin" in over 70 countries worldwide. In Berlin-Moabit the world's most modern gas turbines are being built.
Thanks to the cutting-edge knowledge and expertise of Berlin engineers, these complex turbines display one of the highest levels of efficiency worldwide. Those turbines enable gas-powered power plants worldwide to sustainably convert fossil gas into energy and heat. Each innovation and improvement allow our customers to produce energy while reducing their carbon footprint by tons of CO2, especially through green hydrogen.
Our heart and mind belong in one place
Gas-fired power plants are essential levers in the energy transition as a bridging technology in our journey away from atomic energy and coal-fired power plants. Gas is the environmentally friendliest fossil fuel within the group of resources used for power generation.
As opposed to nuclear or coal-fired power plants, a unique advantage of gas-fired power plants is that they can quickly start-up and shut down. This makes gas turbines the ideal technology to complement alternative energy solutions - offer stability where renewable energies such as photovoltaics and wind energy still suffer from output fluctuations.
"In Berlin, we work to reduce the world's carbon footprint through the increased efficiency of our turbines," said Günter Augustat. Why should hundreds of jobs in Berlin closely interwoven with climate protection technology research and development disappear? How can we fight climate change in Germany if crucial know-how and the necessary resources are being decimated? Manufacturing must remain in Berlin! Our heart (manufacturing) and mind (engineering expertise) belong in one place.
Siemens Energy is now moving its headquarters to Berlin, claiming to be part of the city, but how can they be when they simultaneously destroy the livelihood of hundreds of their industrial employees? That is not how it works! If allowed, this measure will be a catastrophe for hundreds of Berlin citizens and their families.
We ask for your support: With your signature, you can support our fight to keep the jobs and know-how in Berlin. For Berlin-Brandenburg, as our nation's capital, to navigate the coming challenges, it needs sustainable technologies bridging today's energy needs with a low carbon future extending hydrogen use.
Siemens Energy Worker’s Council, Berlin-Huttenstraße
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