
New Grammar School for Gallus, Europaviertel, Gutleutviertel, Rebstock, Nied, Griesheim, Bockenheim

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
Schulamt Stadt Frankfurt

2.140 Unterschriften

Die Petition wurde vom Petenten zurückgezogen

2.140 Unterschriften

Die Petition wurde vom Petenten zurückgezogen

  1. Gestartet 2015
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Gescheitert
Diese Petition gibt es auch in Deutsch.

Petition richtet sich an: Schulamt Stadt Frankfurt

Dear fellow Frankfurters,

there has been a lot of news recently about the new grammar school (Gymnasium) originally planned for Nied now being relocated to Campus Westend. So the question arises what about Europaviertel and surroundings? Here some facts: new residential areas with many families have sprung up in recent years in Frankfurt-West. In addition to Europaviertel I can think of Rebstocl and City-West, not to mention the traditional suburbs Gallus and Bockenheim, where there is unfortunately no grammar school either. For this reason we see a huge demand for a new grammar school in the west of Frankfurt. If you want to support this petition, please sign on the page here and we will collect the signatures and hand them in to the Schulamt Frankfurt.


If you like us are residents of Europaviertel or surroundings and you see the need for a new grammar school, please lend us your signature and inform others of this petition.

One possibility would be to use the plot next to the Ibis Hotel, Rebstock. This is currently being used as a carpark for visitors to the Exhibition Centre (Messe). This would be an ideal location because it is well connected via bus and tram and is near to the motorway. It is also part of the green belt of Frankfurt and can be easily reached by children from Gallus, Europaviertel and Rebstock.

In any case, the number of residents in Europaviertel and surroundings and with it the number of children will increase and the need for new schools in this area is obvious.

Best regards


Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung

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Petition gestartet: 31.12.2015
Petition endet: 30.06.2016
Region: Frankfurt am Main
Kategorie: Bildung

Diese Petition wurde in folgende Sprachen übersetzt


  • Liebe Eltern,
    diese Petition hat sein Ziel erreicht und wird nicht mehr verfolgt.
    Für alles weitere sehen Sie bitte die Homepage:

    Vielen Dank nochmal an alle für die Unterstützung.

    Viele Grüße
    Nicolas Pérez
    AG Gymnasium West

  • Hi fellow supporters of Gymnasium West,

    we have received great news from the Minister of Education in Frankfurt, Sylvia Weber, the new high school will be opening for the next academic year in Römerhof near the TÜV (motor inspection authority).
    There were several articles in the press about this recently.

    Here is one of them (in German).

    Happy reading!

    Nicolas Pérez

    AG Gymnasium West

  • Dear fellow supporters,

    what started out as a humble little petition to get a new high school (or grammar school depending on your origin) simply snowballed!
    We got over 2000 signatures in the end before we handed it over to the education minister in the Spring.
    Now guess what?
    They are going to open the new school in Römerhof next year!
    My god! Just goes to show what a bit of community action can achieve.
    Thanks for your support and watch the press. The new school will open in containers on August 6, 2018.

    Best regards

    Nicolas Pérez
    AG Gymnasium West

Die Deutschen erlauben alles. Grüne Gutmenschen bitte unterschreiben.

Noch kein CONTRA Argument.

Diese Petition wurde in folgende Sprachen übersetzt

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