Regija: Korea

Kiwoom, Catches Hanwha, Starts to Escape Last Place

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Peticija se upućuje na: outlookindia

Hanwha took a three-point lead early on, but lost the game after two critical defensive errors and a fastball.


Kiwoom, '2 Errors, 1 Fastball', Catches Hanwha, Starts to Escape Last Place

The professional baseball team Kiwoom Heroes beat the Hanwha Eagles and started to escape the last place.

Kiwoom defeated Hanwha 5-3 in the 2024 Shinhan SOL Bank KBO League home game held at Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul on the 9th.

Kiwoom (36 wins, 46 losses), ranked 10th in the league, was chasing Hanwha (36 wins, 45 losses, 2 draws), which was in 9th place. 메이저사이트

Hanwha took a three-point lead early on, but lost the game after two critical defensive errors and a fastball.

In the bottom of the 6th inning, when they were down 0-3, Kiwoom started to pursue.

After leadoff hitter Lee Ju-hyung hit a powerful left-field triple, Ronnie Dawson walked to continue the momentum.

Against the next batter Kim Hye-seong, Hanwha starter Ryan Weiss induced a ground ball, but gave up a run without getting a single out due to a throwing error by second baseman Hwang Young-mook. With runners on first and second base and no outs,

Song Seong-moon hit a timely hit to right field, bringing home the runner on second base.

However, it was regrettable that all three of the following batters ended up hitting fly balls.

The regret did not last long.

Hanwha collapsed on its own in the bottom of the 8th.

Hwang Jun-seo, who came in as a relief pitcher, gave consecutive walks after one out, and Han Seung-hyeok, who received the ball, also walked, causing a bases-loaded situation with one out.

Then, when pinch hitter Kim Geon-hee was at bat, catcher Lee Jae-won allowed the tying run with a fastball.

Then, with two outs and runners on second and third, pinch hitter Ko Young-woo hit an infield hit, and third baseman Ha Ju-seok's wild throw to first base overlapped, giving up two runs.

The game ended like that.

Hanwha succeeded in taking the lead early.

Jonathan Peraza hit a center-field double in the top of the first inning with two outs and no runners on base.

It looked like a normal fly ball, but Kiwoom center fielder Jang Jae-young missed the ball in midair, allowing two bases to advance.

Ahn Chi-hong then hit a timely hit.

Peraza and Ahn Chi-hong combined for Hanwha's first 'back-to-back home runs' of the season in the top of the third inning.

Peraza pulled a fastball from Kiwoom starter Ariel Jurado hard and sent it over the right-field fence, and before Kiwoom could catch its breath, Ahn Chi-hong aimed for the first fastball and hit a solo arch to left field.

However, Hanwha failed to protect its lead due to poor defense and suffered the bitter taste of defeat.

Hvala vam na podršci, outlookindia , Seoul
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Peticija je pokrenuta: 06. 10. 2024.
Peticija završava: 05. 04. 2025.
Regija: Korea
Kategorija: Sportu

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