Region: Korea

Kim Woo-min's Dream Olympics, Will Sing the National Anthem

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500 für Sammelziel

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500 für Sammelziel
  1. Gestartet 06.10.2024
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Petition richtet sich an: outlookindia

Kim Woo-min, the gold medalist in the men's 400m freestyle at this year's Doha World Aquatics Championships, is one of the top candidates to win an Olympic medal in swimming for the first time


Kim Woo-min's Dream Olympics: "I Will Sing the National Anthem at the Top of my Lungs in Paris"

Paris Olympics Korean Team Olympic Park Declaration Ceremony.

Women's Archery Lim Si-hyeon "It feels real when I wear the uniform... I will get results as much as I prepared hard"

Kim Woo-min, the gold medalist in the men's 400m freestyle at this year's Doha World Aquatics Championships, is one of the top candidates to win an Olympic medal in swimming for the first time in 12 years.

After the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics South Korea team decision ceremony held at the Olympic Hall in Olympic Park in Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 9th, Kim Woo-min met with reporters and said, "I'm excited and nervous as the Olympics approach. 토토사이트

He said , "I want to show what I've prepared quickly because I've prepared so well.

I'm looking forward to the games."

Kim Woo-min is aiming for medals in two events: the men's 400m freestyle and the 800m relay.

He shares a room with Hwang Sun-woo, who has been his roommate, and dreams of repeating his glory in Paris after winning gold medals together at the Doha World Championships.

Kim Woo-min, who created a buzz by taking a 'gold medal selfie' in his room with the gold medal around his neck, said, "I think I'll share a room with Hwang Sun-woo again this time.

If we win a medal together at the Olympics, I'm planning to live with him on my back."

Kim Woo-min, who sang the national anthem vigorously at the national anthem ceremony that day, expressed his determination, saying, "I plan to sing it with all my heart in Paris as well."

Regarding the 400m freestyle competitors who are finishing their preparations for the Paris Olympics by setting good records one after another, he expressed confidence by saying, "These are the athletes I beat at the World Championships.

If I keep those memories alive, I think I will also get good records."

Hwang Sun-woo, who is leading Korean swimming with Kim Woo-min, said, "I'm happy that we can gather here and hold a ceremony.

I've been preparing for the Paris Olympics, so I want to finish it well."

Hwang Sun-woo is aiming for medals in his main events, the 200m freestyle and the 800m relay.

Hwang Sun-woo, who narrowly missed out on a medal in his first Tokyo Olympics due to poor pace distribution, said, "If I had some regrets in Tokyo, my goal in Paris is to have a more perfect race than in Tokyo.

I will come back with no regrets."

Seo Chae-hyun, a leading figure in sport climbing, aims to present the first medal in this event to the Korean team in Paris.

At the Tokyo Olympics, the combined event was ranked by adding up the three events of bouldering, lead, and speed.

Seo Chae-hyun, who is weak in the speed event, has eliminated her weakness by only competing in bouldering and lead in the combined event at the Paris Olympics, and speed is separated.

Seo Chae-hyun said, “I have to get good results in my main event, lead, so I have to work hard in lead and make up for my shortcomings in bouldering.”

She continued, “Speed ​​is separated, so it is advantageous, but speed is the same condition that all athletes are weak in.

I have to work harder.”

Seo Chae-hyun said, “I want to climb without regrets.

I regret not winning a medal in Tokyo, so I really want to win a medal this time.”

Im Si-hyun, the Korean women’s archery ace, reaffirmed her determination for the Paris Olympics by wearing a singlet.

Lim Si-hyeon said, "I feel like I'm really going to Paris when I wear the uniform.

I've prepared hard, so I'll get good results."

Our national archery team has completed adaptation training in various environments, such as creating an environment identical to the Paris Olympic archery stadium in the Jincheon Athletes' Village and holding a special archery match at a professional soccer stadium.

Lim Si-hyeon said, "The special match was really helpful.

I felt nervous while competing in an environment identical to the Paris Olympics, and I learned a lot about how to deal with it.

That's why I'm looking forward to the Olympics even more."

Park Hye-jeong, a hopeful for a medal in women's weightlifting, said she wished the Olympic moment would come a little more slowly.

Park Hye-jeong said, "At first, I wanted to compete quickly, but now I can feel it approaching, so I want time to pass as slowly as possible."

Park Hye-jeong even set a specific goal record for a medal at the Paris Olympics. He said,

"My records are 130 kg (snatch) and 172 kg (clean and jerk).

I just want to lift 1 kg more," and "If I can lift just 1 kg more, I'll definitely get a new Korean record and an Olympic medal.

So that's my goal."

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, outlookindia aus Seoul
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Petition gestartet: 06.10.2024
Petition endet: 05.04.2025
Region: Korea
Kategorie: Sport

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