
Equal and diverse cultural support in Delmenhorst.

Petition richtet sich an
Oberbürgermeister Petra Gerlach

241 Unterschriften

Sammlung beendet

241 Unterschriften

Sammlung beendet

  1. Gestartet September 2023
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Einreichung vorbereiten
  4. Dialog mit Empfänger
  5. Entscheidung
Diese Petition gibt es auch in Deutsch.

Petition richtet sich an: Oberbürgermeister Petra Gerlach

Delmenhorst: Cultural support is limited to only one association and its target audience. The city administration, on the other hand, interprets the generally applicable federal noise protection laws in such a restrictive manner that almost all forms of alternative music culture become impossible. The people of Delmenhorst deserve a high quality of life through diverse and varied music events. Joy of life is connecting people instead of dividing and excluding them. Something Delmenhorst urgently needs.
Therefore, we need a change in local politics and city administration: away from containment, marginalization, and suffocation, and towards promotion and support. The surrounding areas like Bremen and Oldenburg have been setting examples for us for decades. Is it not possible in Delmenhorst to offer diverse cultural offerings from various actors? It is undoubtedly important to consider noise protection concerns and ensure the well-being of residents. However, we should not forget that our quality of life is also influenced by cultural events and the opportunity to spend our leisure time with music and communal entertainment. This includes a diverse range of music styles. This includes the ability to enjoy music and shared experiences beyond 10 PM. This includes equal support for various cultural creators, not just the support of an exclusive cultural association with limited offerings. People with difficult income circumstances should also have access to cultural events and should not be excluded under any circumstances.


Transparent communication of current regulations and guidelines with actors is currently not taking place. Certain actors are politically and financially favored. Over the years, this has resulted in our city losing a significant amount of music, concerts, street festivals, city festivals, and other cultural events. What remains of a vibrant and diverse music culture: sausages, beer, and the same music over and over again. We are not willing to accept this! We want to make it clear together that as a community, we want to reclaim the right to joy of life, beautiful experiences, and the space for cultural development. Delmenhorst needs our voices, our music, and our joy! Let's stand together for a city where we can all enjoy diverse events.
Thank you for your support, Lautlos.info

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, Lautlos.info - Wie Delmenhorst Kultur verliert aus Delmenhorst
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Petition gestartet: 12.09.2023
Petition endet: 01.01.2024
Region: Delmenhorst
Kategorie: Kultur

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