984 signatures
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Petition is addressed to: Mitglieder der Kommission, des Parlamentes und des Rates der EU
GodÄtie ES Parlamenta deputÄti, CienÄ«jamie Eiropas Padomes locekļi!
BriselÄ“ paÅ¡laik tiek izstrÄdÄta jauna sÄ“klu regula. Ja VeselÄ«bas un patÄ“rÄ“tÄju tiesÄ«bu aizsardzÄ«bas Ä£enerÄldirektorÄta plÄni kļūs par realitÄti, daudz veco un reto augļu, dÄrzeņu un graudu Å¡Ä·irnes pazudÄ«s no tirgus. Å Ä«m dažÄdÄm Å¡Ä·irnÄ“m, kÄ arÄ« tÄm Å¡Ä·irnÄ“m, kas pielÄgotas bioloÄ£iskajai lauksaimniecÄ«bai, tiks likti birokrÄtiski Å¡Ä·Ä“ršļi, tai pat laikÄ korporatÄ«vÄs lauksaimniecÄ«bas pozÄ«cijas tiks vÄ“l vairÄk nostiprinÄtas.
PaÅ¡laik pieejamie ES sÄ“klu regulas projekta teksti liecina, ka tÄ veicinÄs sÄ“klu tirgus koncentrÄciju nedaudzu sÄ“klu industrijas korporÄciju rokÄs. Tas ir nepieņemami! Jaunai ES sÄ“klu regulai ir jÄpieļauj Å¡Ä·irņu daudzveidÄ«ba un Å¡Ä·irnes, kas piemÄ“rotas maza izmÄ“ra saimniecÄ«bÄm ekoloÄ£iski adaptÄ“tu sÄ“klu audzÄ“Å¡anai. DaudzveidÄ«gÄm Å¡Ä·irnÄ“m ir jÄbÅ«t pieejamÄm ne tikai gÄ“nu bankÄs, bet arÄ« brÄ«vajÄ tirgÅ« bez jebkÄdiem birokrÄtiskiem ierobežojumiem.
TÄpÄ“c mÄ“s pieprasÄm – nekÄda sÄ“klu reÄ£istrÄcijas pienÄkuma! TurklÄt paÅ¡reizÄ“jie reÄ£istrÄcijas kritÄ“riji bÅ«tu jÄsamazina Å¡Ä·irnÄ“m, kuras ir piemÄ“rotas bioloÄ£iskajai lauksaimniecÄ«bai, ņemot vÄ“rÄ to daudzveidÄ«bas vÄ“rtÄ«gumu, lai mÅ«su lauksaimniecÄ«ba spÄ“tu pielÄgoties klimata pÄrmaiņÄm, jaunÄm slimÄ«bÄm un kaitÄ“kļiem, kÄ arÄ« lai veicinÄtu videi draudzÄ«gu dzÄ«vesveidu.
Ne paÅ¡reizÄ“jie ES sÄ“klu tiesÄ«bu akti, ne patlaban pieejamie neoficiÄli iesniegtie regulas projekti neatbilst Å¡Ä«m prasÄ«bÄm. Tie apdraud sÄ“klu daudzveidÄ«bu un tÄdÄ“jÄdi cilvÄ“ces kopÄ“jo lauksaimniecÄ«bas mantojumu. Tie arÄ« apdraud ilgtspÄ“jÄ«gu pÄrtikas sistÄ“mu un kalpo tikai agroÄ·Ä«mijas nozarei.
MÄ“s aicinÄm jÅ«s, Eiropas Komisijas, Eiropas Parlamenta un padomes locekļi, noraidÄ«t jebkuru priekÅ¡likumu, kas neatbilst iepriekÅ¡ minÄ“tajiem kritÄ“rijiem! Nepieļausim turpmÄku Eiropas lauksaimniecÄ«bas un dÄrzkopÄ«bas sÄ“klu daudzveidÄ«bas iznÄ«cinÄÅ¡anu!
Lai iegÅ«tu vairÄk informÄcijas, apmeklÄ“jiet:
- SÄ“klu-suverenitÄtes kampaņa: https://www.saatgutkampagne.org / https://www.seed-sovereignty.org
- VÄcu “jumta organizÄcija†augkopÄ«bas un lopkopÄ«bas dažÄdÄ«bai ("Dachverband Kulturpflanzen-und Nutztiervielfalt eV"): https://www.kulturpflanzen-nutztiervielfalt.org/node/29
- Zemas Draugi e https://www.zemesdraugi.lv
- Patrick WIEBE blogs: https://www.bifurcatedcarrots.eu/
PaÅ¡reizÄ“jais ES sÄ“klu regulÄ“jums izriet no laika, kad vides aizsardzÄ«ba, daba un bioloÄ£iskÄ daudzveidÄ«ba nebija augsti novÄ“rtÄ“ta. PastÄvÄ“ja daudz selekcijas uzņēmumu, kas nodroÅ¡inÄja plaÅ¡u Å¡Ä·irņu dažÄdÄ«bu tirgÅ«. LielÄko daļu no Å¡Ä«m Å¡Ä·irnÄ“m varÄ“ja atkÄrtoti sÄ“t pÄ“c ražas novÄkÅ¡anas – tÄ ir metode, kas ir pastÄvÄ“jusi tÅ«kstoÅ¡iem gadu, cauri visai lauksaimniecÄ«bas vÄ“sturei.
1980-s gados bija jÄievieÅ¡ divi jauni termini par to, kas agrÄk bija bijusi ierasta prakse, - pirmkÄrt, "zemnieku tiesÄ«bas", un, otrkÄrt, "brÄ«vÄs apputes" Å¡Ä·irnes (sÄ“klas, kas ražo vienu un to paÅ¡u Å¡Ä·irni, ja vien tÄs nekrustojas ar lÄ«dzÄ«gÄm Å¡Ä·irnÄ“m). Tas ir saistÄ«ts ar to, ka sÄ“klu tirgus dramatiski mainÄ«jÄs. Å odien desmit lielÄkie uzņēmumi dominÄ“ trÄ«s ceturtdaļas no pasaules sÄ“klu tirgus un vairÄk nekÄ puse no pasaules tirgus pieder agroÄ·Ä«mijas industrijai.
LielÄkÄ daļa Å¡Ä·irņu ir pakļautas juridiskiem un tehniskiem ierobežojumiem, kas apdraud atkÄrtotu paÅ¡u audzÄ“tÄju saglabÄtu sÄ“klu sÄ“Å¡anu. OficiÄls apstiprinÄjums Å¡Ä·irņu tirdzniecÄ«bai tika ieviests un to kritÄ“riji ir pielÄgoti industriÄlÄm Å¡Ä·irnÄ“m. ProduktivitÄte un pasaules iedzÄ«votÄju skaita pieaugums tika izmantoti, lai attaisnotu Å¡o attÄ«stÄ«bu. VisaptveroÅ¡ais starptautiskais novÄ“rtÄ“jums par lauksaimniecÄ«bas zinÄÅ¡anu, zinÄtnes un tehnoloÄ£iju attÄ«stÄ«bas jomÄ (IAASTD), liecina par Å¡Ä«s pieejas nestabilitÄti.
Augu daudzveidÄ«ba ir lielÄ mÄ“rÄ pazudusi no tirgus. Tas attiecas uz nereÄ£istrÄ“to Å¡Ä·irņu dažÄdÄ«bu – ko tirgo tÅ«kstoÅ¡iem bezbailÄ«gu Eiropas iedzÄ«votÄju bez nepiecieÅ¡amÄs reÄ£istrÄcijas. Å odien mÄ“s paļaujamies uz Å¡o cilvÄ“ku plaÅ¡o pieredzi un mums vajadzÄ“tu veicinÄt aizvien lielÄku vairÄk to cilvÄ“ku, kuri iesaistÄs Å¡ajÄ darbÄ«bÄ, ne tikai hobija pÄ“c, bet arÄ«, lai radÄ«tu no tÄ ienÄkumus un iztiktu.
Otrs svarÄ«gs aspekts ir tas, ka ir ļoti maz piemÄ“rotu Å¡Ä·irnu, kas ir Ä«paÅ¡i attÄ«stÄ«tas bioloÄ£iskajai lauksaimniecÄ«bai. BioloÄ£iskajai lauksaimniecÄ«bai ir nepiecieÅ¡ami augi, kas ir ražīgi arÄ« bez Ä·imikÄlijÄm. Tas ir iespÄ“jams tikai ar plaÅ¡u dabisko genofondu. Å Ädas Å¡Ä·irnes parasti nespÄ“j apmierinÄt Å¡Ä·irņu reÄ£istrÄcijas kritÄ“rijus.
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European Union
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Petition in Zeichnung
on 05 Nov 2013Dear Signatories of our petition „Apdraugeta seklu daudzveidiba - Pret ES seklu regulejuma, kas kalpo seklu industrijai“!
Altogether some 150.000 people are supporting the diverse version of the Petition. Thanks to you and all the other people who signed the Latvian version! It is closing on midnight, the maximum subscription period of six months for each version is prescribed by the platform "openPetition"...show moreDear Signatories of our petition „Apdraugeta seklu daudzveidiba - Pret ES seklu regulejuma, kas kalpo seklu industrijai“!
Altogether some 150.000 people are supporting the diverse version of the Petition. Thanks to you and all the other people who signed the Latvian version! It is closing on midnight, the maximum subscription period of six months for each version is prescribed by the platform "openPetition" and can not be extended. We also thank openPetition for providing the platform!
What is next ?
The petition will be handed over in Brussels during the course of the legislative process. When there will be the right time for this, that depends on further course.
So far, in the lead Agricultural Committee of the EU Parliament the rapporteur for seed legislation was set, it is Sergio Silvestris of the Italian PdL, a member of the EPP Group. He will formulate the report of the Committee on the proposed legislation to the House of Parliament. His draft see here: http://www.saatgutkampagne.org/PDF/Draft_Report_PRM.pdf There are also so-called shadow -rapporteurs of the other groups.
A first debate on the bill has taken place on 30.9., here's a look back: http://www.seed-sovereignty.org/PDF/MEPs_criticize_proposed_new_EU_seed_law.pdf . From the other groups came requests and criticism of the Commission proposal. In the end it will be important that the members of the EPP Group follow their conscience in the seed question and vividly interfere in the debate - and not bow to the party discipline, assumed to be set by Albert DESS from Bavaria, who is the coordinator of EPP group in the AGRI committee.
The next steps are now: the second debate in the Agriculture Committee on November 25&26 2013 and the submission of amendments until December 4 2013. After this date these amendments will be debated and voted. The first debate in the House of Parliament is scheduled for mid April 2014.
Besides this a working group of the Council of the EU currently meets on a monthly basis. There the member governments are represented, and they are preparing their position. If the results of the Parliament and Council are be different, a so-called "trialogue " between the EU Commission , Parliament and Council will be held.
What can I do myself more ?
a) Please keep yourself and others informed! May be you would like to watch and to screen our documentary "Resilient Seed" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unsC2SGdMBU or in German http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaOt0PD0G5s . You may pass this info on, read and distribute our brochure "Resilient Seed" http://www.saatgutkampagne.org/PDF/Resilient_Seed_EN_web.pdf or in German http://www.saatgutkampagne.org/PDF/Booklet_Saatgutfilm2011_web.pdf
b ) You could discuss in local groups on seed legislation. And for some more days the petition can be signed in Spanisch&English at https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/amenaza-a-la-diversidad-de-semillas-no-a-las-normas-europeas-en-beneficio-de-la-industria-semillera#googtrans(de%7Ces) or in Swedish&German: https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/mngfalden-av-froeer-hotas-nej-till-eu-s-inskraenkande-regler-till-foermn-foer-utsaedesindustrin
c ) You may enter into conversation with EU parliamentarians: Write to MEPs to which you have a geographic proximity.
Please describe to them why the diversity of seeds and farmers seeds is important to you and what you require for the new seed legislation. You may refer to the „joint statement on the proposal on legislation about plant reproductive material“, http://www.seed-sovereignty.org/PDF/joint_statement_seed_legislation_2013-06-12_web.pdf If you inform us of reactions, we can go into it.
d) You could start or continue by yourself to save seeds. You may attend or organize seed-swaps - a great way to get in contact with like-minded people! Seed swaps are preferable from February to April or May.
e) visit http://www.seed-sovereignty.org We try to keep you informed!
Best regards
Andreas Riekeberg
Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty
Email: info@seed-sovereignty.org -
Petition in Zeichnung
on 03 Nov 2013Hallo!
Jums ir parakstijuši peticiju „Apdraugeta seklu daudzveidiba - Pret ES seklu regulejuma, kas kalpo seklu industrijai“.
Otrdiena ir pedeja diena parakstit so peticiju.
(Tuesday is the last day to sign the petition)
Ja jus velaties dalities peticiju ar citiem cilvekiem, ludzu, dariet to tikai tagad.
(If you want to share the petition with other people, please do it just...show moreHallo!
Jums ir parakstijuši peticiju „Apdraugeta seklu daudzveidiba - Pret ES seklu regulejuma, kas kalpo seklu industrijai“.
Otrdiena ir pedeja diena parakstit so peticiju.
(Tuesday is the last day to sign the petition)
Ja jus velaties dalities peticiju ar citiem cilvekiem, ludzu, dariet to tikai tagad.
(If you want to share the petition with other people, please do it just now.)
Tad, ludzu, aicinat vinus parakstit petīciju seit.
(Then, please invite them to sign the petition here)
Diemzel no ramja teksts ir vacu valoda, jo nav par google autotranslation iespeja latviesu valoda.
Unfortunately the text of the frame is in German, because there is no possibility of google autotranslation into Latvian.
“Vollständiger Name” = “Pilns vards un uzvards”
“Postleitzahl Ort” = “pasta indekss pilseta”
“Straße Hausnr.” = “lelu numurs.”
“Email” = “e-pasts”
Var but jusu draugiem un kolegiem, velos izteikt savu pieprasijumu par tiesibu aktiem par labu dazadibu seklu un par labu lauksaimniekiem seklas. (May be your friends and colleagues want to express their demand for a legislation in favor of diversity of seeds and in favor of farmers seeds.)
ar laba velejumiem / Best regards
Andreas Riekeberg
Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty
In small gardens , biological gardens, in such small countries as Latvia has to be variety of seeds/plants .Taking under cotroll this seed variety process in lobby ob big seed companies! it is really big danger to loose variety of plants.It is not possible to controll everything in this world!