Region: Ausacker
Bild der Petition ACR Poker Returns Cage Live to Costa Rica

ACR Poker Returns Cage Live to Costa Rica

Petition richtet sich an
Bürgermeister Claus-Peter Richelsen

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  1. Gestartet März 2024
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Beendet

Petition richtet sich an: Bürgermeister Claus-Peter Richelsen

Poker players looking for intense action and fun about felt are heading to ACR Poker. The online poker site is returning Cage Live, a time-based tournament-style cash game, to Costa Rica from Apr. 3-6.


"We offer a lot of destination packages in places like London, Monte Carlo, Vietnam, and more, but Cage Live in San Jose, Costa Rica is my favorite," said Chris Moneymaker. "That's because players can meet different ACR poker staff as well as ACR pros like me."
There are a total of 20 packages guaranteed via Beast and Seat and Crush satellites on Sunday, Mar. 3, and Mar. 10. Direct purchases are $95 but many players can enter for free by ranking on one of the weekly rankings. Players can also qualify via free rolls and $11 super satellites.
Each package costs $8,700 and includes $5,250 for Cage Live and a five-night stay at the beautiful Sheraton Hotel where the event takes place. Players will also receive $400 for cash games, $800 for airfare, and $1,000 for consumers.
In Cage Live, the blinds increase during the tournament, just like a tournament. Players can acquire chips during one or more of Day 1 and use those total stacks to start Day 2. When time expires on Day 2, the chips will cash in at a 1:1 ratio.
The moneymaker wanted to remind players that they can't cash in their chips until the end of Day 2. That's why it's called The Cage. 온라인카지노

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, outlookindia aus Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Hausach
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Petition gestartet: 06.03.2024
Petition endet: 05.06.2024
Region: Ausacker
Kategorie: Bürgerrechte

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