Region: Chandigarh

Achieve Your Language Goals with Duolingo Coaching in Chandigarh

Petition richtet sich an
Duolingo English test Center in Chandigarh

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500 für Sammelziel

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500 für Sammelziel
  1. Gestartet 14.08.2024
  2. Sammlung noch > 4 Monate
  3. Einreichung
  4. Dialog mit Empfänger
  5. Entscheidung

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Petition richtet sich an: Duolingo English test Center in Chandigarh

Duo lingo is a language proficiency test which came into existence during the COVID-19 situation when students could not appear for the other exams at universities and colleges started accepting Duo lingo tests. Moreover, to be admission to the universities and colleges you can use the duo lingo test but to the Embassy you need to show the IELTS exam result as IELTS is compulsory in the Embassy, which means if you want to go for the specific intake and you do not miss that intake at any cost you can take help of the duo lingo test as you can appear for the Duo lingo test first and you can put the file on basis of Duo lingo test and you can reserve you a seat in the desired university and college for the specific and then after you can appear for the IELTS exam and show the results to the embassy. In this, blog we will help you by giving detailed information about the online classes provided by the Abroad gateway.


Duolingo Online Classes Provided by Abroad Gateway?      
Duo lingo is a language proficiency test which came into existence during the COVID-19 situation when students could not appear for the other exams at universities and colleges started accepting Duo lingo tests. Moreover, to be admission to the universities and colleges you can use the duo lingo test but to the Embassy you need to show the IELTS exam result as IELTS is compulsory in the Embassy, which means if you want to go for the specific intake and you do not miss that intake at any cost you can take help of the duo lingo test as you can appear for the Duo lingo test first and you can put the file on basis of Duo lingo test and you can reserve you a seat in the desired university and college for the specific and then after you can appear for the IELTS exam and show the results to the embassy. In this, blog we will help you by giving detailed information about the online classes provided by the Abroad gateway.

  • Firstly, you need to understand what the Duo lingo test is.
  • Duo lingo is quite similar to other Language proficiency tests, as it is a computer-delivered test.
  • The checking system in the Duo-lingo is fully artificial intelligence-based.
  • The duration of the test is 90 minutes only.
  • The scoring system ranges from 1-160, which is at the different levels as per the score, in this, your score is based on the level of the language.
  • Duo-lingo is itself a test-conducting body.
  • Duo-lingo is comparatively easier than other language proficiency tests.
  • Duo-lingo also has four modules such as listening, reading, speaking and writing.
  • You do not need to visit any centre to appear for the test, you can appear for the test anytime anywhere as per your convenience, all you need is a laptop or a good internet connection.
  • Moreover, if you are planning to move to abroad for higher studies you do not need to appear for the IELTS exam as duo-lingo is acceptable in the US.
  • You will get the exam result within 3-7 working days, and if you want your result within 12 hours you need to pay some extra amount to get the result earlier.
  • The duo-lingo exam fee is 4500 INR and if you want the result earlier you need to pay 1500 INR extra to get the result faster.
  • Abroad is providing the duo lingo coaching in Chandigarh and they are providing this online as well as offline.
  • Abroad Gateway is known for its quality as we provide the best Duolingo Exam Center in Chandigarh, we have divided the modules into days so that students can efficiently get the concepts. We have divided our syllabus into the 20-day course and after completing the syllabus put students on the mock test series.

Flexible batch timings : Abroad gateway provides flexible batch timings to the students so students can join our classes at their convenience.

Experienced team and expert team : Abroad Gateway has had expert team and experienced team who have been teaching Duo-Longo for years so they are experts in finding the weaknesses of the students to help them boost their scores or get the desired score in the very first attempt
The syllabus is sorted day-wise: Abroad Gateway has sorted the syllabus of the Duo-lingo so that students can learn the all concepts in a good manner.

Mock test series provided: Abroad Gateway provides a mock test series to the students with the AI-based assessment, by which students can understand where they are standing to write now and how much they want to improve to get the desired duo-lingo score.

Economical fee charges: Abroad Gateway provide quality education and the Best Duolingo Coaching classes at economical prices so students can get the services and make their dream come true to study abroad.

Abroad Gateway is providing the best Duolingo Coaching in Chandigarh which is providing the best Duolingo coaching classes to students online as well as offline, students can contact us, our contact details are mentioned on our website by logging on to our website you will get all the details regarding our online offline classes.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, Aborad gateway aus Chandiagarh
Frage an den Initiator

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Petition gestartet: 14.08.2024
Petition endet: 13.02.2025
Region: Chandigarh
Kategorie: Bildung

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