Region: Goslar

Noch 9 Tage

Goslar-a World Cultural Heritage in Decay

Petition richtet sich an
Stadtrat Goslar

10 Unterschriften

3 von 790 für Quorum in Goslar Goslar

10 Unterschriften

3 von 790 für Quorum in Goslar Goslar
  1. Gestartet September 2024
  2. Sammlung noch 9 Tage
  3. Einreichung
  4. Dialog mit Empfänger
  5. Entscheidung

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Petition richtet sich an: Stadtrat Goslar

The floods of 2017 with the major structural damage in the old town, the ''downright outrageous destruction of older building files'' in the city administration published by the Lower Saxony Heritage Association in 2024,  the ordered destruction of significant parts of the Ratsgymnasium's house archive
years of tolerating the ongoing decay of vacant important architectural monuments, obvious structural engineering mistakes in building construction and civil engineering, such as in front of and in the town hall, as well as inadequate documentation of the condition of the old town, give rise to the suspicion that many of those responsible are not fulfilling their duty to preserve the old town.


We call on all citizens and friends of the Old Town of Goslar to sign up against its decay and thus the universal World Heritage

Many of Goslar's natural and architectural monuments in the World Heritage Site are in great danger due to years of neglect and insufficient flood protection

Many years of neglect and damage of structural facilities such as
the cathedral vestibule, St. Ulrich's Chapel, the murals in the Imperial Hall of the Imperial Palace, the town hall and market fountain, the pigeon tower in Ulrich's garden, the pavilion in the ramparts, the mausoleums in the Hildesheimer Straße cemetery,
the centuries-old trees along the Abzucht creek, many of the historic pavements, the museum collections and many other historical buildings of our city.

Goslar can be proud of its (still) fully preserved old town, one of the most beautiful in Germany, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. However, many of its buildings, whether privately or publicly owned, have been left to decay or were neglected for years - in some cases under the eyes of the municipality. Concerned individuals and groups have been pointing out the dilapidation, but no effective measures were taken by the city administration.

We call on the city of Goslar, represented by Mayor Ms. Urte Schwerdtner, the City Council of Goslar, as well as the other politically and legally responsible  institutions,

- to take immediate measures for the restoration and protection of the historical buildings, the movable cultural assets and the centuries-old trees along the Abzucht; and
- to provide for adequate flood protection of the old town without delay.

Furthermore, we call on all politically and legally responsible institutions:

1. to produce or have produced a complete inventory of the entire listed old town in terms of age, building condition and utilization;

2. to immediately carry out an inventory of the entire cultural property, including an inventory of cultural assets from the Hildesheimer Straße cemetery, and to list any losses identified in this context;

3. to initiate a significant strengthening of human resources of the Lower Monument Protection Authority in terms of capacities and expertise, commensurate with the scope and complexity of the monument portfolio, enabling it to perform the tasks assigned to it by law;

4. to introduce the following measures to support citizens:

         - information and awareness-raising as well as on-site advice on preventive measures and
         - recognizable building defects;
         - in the search for suitable specialist companies and engineers,
         - advice on suitable building materials for the renovation of buildings.

5. to immediately initiate capacity-building measures in the field of building management in the city of Goslar for the renovation and maintenance of listed buildings;

6. to draw up a “World Cultural Heritage Management Plan” for the Old Town as a basis for future planning;

7. to create monument area or urban design statutes for the entire old town area, with municipal funding program for determining restoration needs;

8. to ensure that a highly-qualified successor of the head of the city archive, who will leave at the end of 2024, will be appointed, and

9. to immediate relocate the historically valuable building files, as requested by the state of Lower Saxony; and

10. to carry out conservation measures for endangered architectural monuments and to inventorize and secure historical building materials.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung, Initiativgruppe Altstadt Goslar aus Goslar
Frage an den Initiator

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Petition gestartet: 05.09.2024
Petition endet: 31.12.2024
Region: Goslar
Kategorie: Bauen

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Warum Menschen unterschreiben

While I embrace welcome modern developments and architecture, I feel that historical pockets such as Goslar must be preserved, not out of a sense of nostalgia but as an important artefact and as a thing of beauty. And as an environmental concern, one could argue that it is a waste to allow such a place to decay.

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