84 Unterschriften
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Petition richtet sich an: Studierendenwerk Hamburg
We, the residents of the Harburg Häuser, demand that the Studierendenwerk immediately sets up a cashless alternative (for example InterCard) for a payment system in the washrooms of the Harburg Häuser.
The reason for this is that for years the washrooms have been repeatedly broken into and the coin-operated machines damaged in order to steal the small change they contain. Law enforcement authorities seem powerless to deal with offenses of this kind, since one of the perpetrators is known and a repeated offender. The damage caused far exceeds the cost of installing a cashless payment system that will provide a lasting solution to the problem. We are the ones who suffer from the situation because we have not been able to wash our clothes in our laundry room for several weeks now and have had to switch to more costly alternatives. The circumstance violates the conditions regulated in the lease agreement. As of August 9, 2021, the coin-operated laundry machines in the laundry rooms at Moorstraße 15 and Schüttstraße 5 have been defective for several days for the repeated time.
After consultation with the operator of the washing machines, a cashless alternative would result in additional costs in the double-digit cent range. This is acceptable to us as we simply want to do our laundry and not live in fear of thieves gaining access to our basement and possibly being under the influence of drugs. This does not contribute to our sense of security.
Overall, the quality of life suffers greatly due to the fact that the Studierendenwerk has not been able to sustainably solve the laundry room problem in the past.
We hope for improvement!
We have many english speaking students in the dorms.
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am 01.09.2022Liebe Unterstützende,
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