Region: BASEL


Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
To the Governing Council of the Canton Basel-Stadt

5.366 Unterschriften

Petitionsempfänger hat nicht reagiert.

5.366 Unterschriften

Petitionsempfänger hat nicht reagiert.

  1. Gestartet 2015
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Gescheitert


12.10.2018, 02:11

Liebe Unterstützende,
der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach dem Einreichen der Petition keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass der Petitionsempfänger nicht reagiert hat.

Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
Ihr openPetition-Team

26.05.2015, 16:38

Dear Friends of the Skulpturhalle Basel

On Wednesday, 20 May 2015, the petition “No to the Shutdown of the Skulpturhalle Basel” was submitted to the government of Basel in the city hall’s courtyard. Numerous supporters attended the event.

Within two months, the Swiss Association of Classical Archaeology collected more than 6,500* signatures in our fight against the closure of the Skulpturhalle and the removal to a storage depot of its over 2,200 gypsum casts of Greek and Roman art works. Confronted with three students in the guise of gypsum casts of Greek statues and many friends of the Skulpturhalle wearing white in sympathy with the casts, state secretary Barbara Schüpbach-Guggenbühl received not only the list of signatures and the many personal statements, but also a cast of the head of the goddess Athena. May the goddess of wisdom and well-considered strategies make sure that the government will find the courage to reconsider the case and take a wise decision. Although Mr. Guy Morin, President of the Cantonal Government, was not “officially” in attendance, a sharp-eyed journalist of “TagesWoche” did not miss the fact that he was following the event from a window of the city hall.

More information on the event can be found here:

We warmly thank again everybody who supported and disseminated the petition.

The Swiss Association of Classical Archaeology (SAKA/ASAC)

*after definitive counting

28.04.2015, 16:57

Dear Friends of the Skulpturhalle Basel

The Swiss Association of Classical Archaeology (SAKA-ASAC) has launched the petition “No to the Shutdown of the Skulpturhalle Basel” on 22 February 2015 in order to fight against the closure of the renowned Skulpturhalle and the removal to a storage depot of its over 2,200 gypsum casts of Greek and Roman art works. Closure and removal are planned by the Governing Council of the Canton Basel-Stadt to ease its budget. Within the given grace period of two months, you and over 6000 people from Basel, Switzerland and thirty other countries worldwide have signed the petition either by handwritten message or by electronic means. Many of you have, in addition, personally campaigned for the dissemination of our petition. We profoundly thank you all for your support.

Your encouragement and variegated commentaries are a strong proof of the great repute and high esteem that the Skulpturhalle Basel has earned, both in research and with the general audience. Indeed, the increasing number of visitors also expresses this: 2014 scored a growth of nearly twenty per cent compared to the previous year.

The submission of the signatures and comments to Mr. Guy Morin, President of the Cantonal Government, will take place on Wednesday, 20 May 2015, at 11–11:15 a.m. in the courtyard of the Basel City Hall.
We urgently invite everybody to attend the submission of the petition. The more people assist in the event, the more weight will be given to our demand. Moreover, in sympathy with the gypsum casts we suggest that you arrive fully or partially dressed in white.

With many thanks for your support,

The Swiss Association of Classical Archaeology (SAKA – ASAC)

28.04.2015, 16:44

Dear Friends of the Skulpturhalle Basel

The Swiss Association of Classical Archaeology (SAKA/ASAC) has launched the petition “No to the Shutdown of the Skulpturhalle Basel” on 22 February 2015 in order to fight against the closure of the renowned Skulpturhalle and the removal to a storage depot of its over 2,200 gypsum casts of Greek and Roman art works. Closure and removal are planned by the Governing Council of the Canton Basel-Stadt to ease its budget. Within the given grace period of two months, you and over 6000 people from Basel, Switzerland and thirty other countries worldwide have signed the petition either by handwritten message or by electronic means. Many of you have, in addition, personally campaigned for the dissemination of our petition. We profoundly thank you all for your support.

Your encouragement and variegated commentaries are a strong proof of the great repute and high esteem that the Skulpturhalle Basel has earned, both in research and with the general audience. Indeed, the increasing number of visitors also expresses this: 2014 scored a growth of nearly twenty per cent compared to the previous year.

The submission of the signatures and comments to Mr. Guy Morin, President of the Cantonal Government, will take place on Wednesday, 20 May 2015, at 11–11:15 a.m. in the courtyard of the Basel City Hall.
We urgently invite everybody to attend the submission of the petition. The more people assist in the event, the more weight will be given to our demand. Moreover, in sympathy with the gypsum casts we suggest that you arrive fully or partially dressed in white.

With many thanks for your support,

The Swiss Association of Classical Archaeology (SAKA – ASAC)

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