5G ist Rassismus/antirotarisch
777 > 666 god over Satan! Art & JEWs over 5G.Mil's DEWs! DEWs KILL JEWs, Rotary Clubs, Freemasons and the like! If you can read this you are the resistance! Pray for the lord and god of Kanji (777)! He, who frequents the Casinos you mentioned! Art for casinos! Yes to Sonic! Yes to Pokémon! Yes to Capite! Monsters! Gambling = PROjews, it is NOT the antijew!!! Reject 666 and 5G.Mil in your areas! Go 777!!! Go for PROARTISTS RIGHTS! 5G.MIL ENABLES PIRACY OF MOVIES AND GAMES AND THEIR ARTWORKS!!!
Quelle: eigene Erfahrung bezüglich 5G.MIL (wir haben hier KEIN Mobilfunk-5G gehabt)