www.Silaya-Gel.com araciligiyla Sila yolundaki, HAKLARIMIZI aramak ve rüsvete SON verme KAMPANYASI

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Text der Petition


Dear Sir / Mdm;

The reason to write the this letter is I would like to give you information about the issues what we faced during on the way to asia. First of all, I want to introduce you myself. I am a representer and creator of https://www.silaya-gel.com page and my name is Tarik Uslu. Currently I`m living in Germany and I am a Turkish citizen. The mission of this page is , to help people who is staying in a European Union country, who comes from Turkey and staying in any European countries, the one who is travelling to Turkey from any European country ,The below topics are related with issues Recently we started to faced and heard a few exactly problems from our users and so we would like to inform you those problems. Travellers face those below issues.

1.Accomunadation is not enough. As you see from medias, Many peoples are driving car to Turkey from EU. There are not so many places to stop where we can take some rest, eat and stay. Most of the people are travelling with their family and Its approximately 3000km or more. In addition I am really feeling shy to say this but there is even not enough WC. Especially there is no any restroom or WC nearly Custom (immigration toll) on the road. So We want you to install some portable WC especially near customs (immigration toll) and it may help to travellers.

  1. Traffic Jam In This year, There were so many points under the man at work. So Roads was getting smaller at some points and its effecting the traffic. Sometimes there were more than 10KM Traffic jam inside EU countries.it takes sometime more than 10 hours to pass only one Km. In case of Immigration (Custom) tolls are not enough to cross from one side to another side. It also makes traffic jam. You also can see some relative news about this case in your own media channel.

3.Roads are not Safety: As I mentioned in introduction, Most of people are going to Turkey by car. Whenever we stopped on the road because of the traffic jam or for any reason, It`s will be dangerous. There was a family who got trouble in Serbia. Somebody attacked them while he stopped at the gas station nearly Belgrade (Nish) and thief’s took their pocket money, mobile phones and some gold rings. It happens on 06th July 2014. We can prove this case with official reports and you may check out this case from government channel.

  1. Corruptions taking by immigration officers We also want to inform you that some of the officers requesting us to pay extra charge without any receipt, its like 5 – 10 euro in Bulgaria and Serbia. Its totally illegal. If we didn`t give, they will make trouble for us at the immigration such as double checking our documents, requesting us to remove all stuff from car and asking a lot non relative questions.

5.We want to make payment using by credit card in gas station. Especially in Serbia, Slovenia and Bulgaria, they want us to make payment for gas by cash at gas station. All the time their excuse is same and that is “ we are sorry our pos machine doesn`t work”. Within this way they can earn more money because of currency rates.

Route Plans :

Route 1: Germany – Austria – Slowenia – Czech – Serbia – Macedonia – Greece – Turkey ( ipsala ) = total road 2.490KM

Route 2: Germany – Austria – Hungary - Serbia – Macedonia – Greece – Turkey ( ipsala ) = total road 2.525KM

Route 3: Germany – Austria – Slowenia – Czech – Serbia – Bulgaria – Turkey ( Kapikule ) = total road 2.290KM

Route 4: Germany – Austria – Hungary – Serbia – Bulgaria – Turkey ( Kapikule ) = total road 2.285KM

Kindly, We have started online petitions (signature) system for this .The link is at the bottom of this letter, so you may check out. So We all hope that you may gonna pay attention on those points and I hope we all will get feedback negative or positive from you Sincerely yours;

Thank you https://www.Silaya-Gel.com Representer : Tarik Uslu

The reason why I wrote this letter is, we want to improve security and some facilities on the road like installing portable Wc. Instead of this we all hope that after this letter the people will not face with corruption from officers.

The main reason of why the people gonna support us, Its also their same problem too. All of us travelling with family, friends or relatives. All the people has same value on the world.

The people wants : • portable WC, • buying anything using by credit card ( shopping freedom ) • no more any corruption or extra unknown fee charcing by officiers at immigration tolls on the road • Road safety. As we mentioned in section 3, nobody wants to be in trouble by theif or any another thing. Because we are human and we have same rights like everyone. • No more Viynet problems

Sometime they doesn`t feel that they re going to holiday cause of those issues.It becomes a terrible story and they have no any option. For those reasons peoples and travellers will support us.

Thank you

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