Rajon : Darmshtadi

For Klaus Schüller’s Professorship – Safeguarding the Quality of the M.A. IMC at h_da

Peticioni drejtohet tek
The university leadership (Präsidium der Hochschule Darmstadt) and relevant decision-making committees, students enrolled in IMC and h_da.

45 nënshkrimet

15 nga 1 600 për kuorumin në Darmshtadi Darmshtadi

45 nënshkrimet

15 nga 1 600 për kuorumin në Darmshtadi Darmshtadi
  1. Filluar 17.12.2024
  2. Mbledhja akoma > 3 muaj
  3. Nënshtrim
  4. Dialog me marrësin
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Jam dakord që të dhënat e mia të ruhen . Unë vendos se kush mund ta shohë mbështetjen time. Mund ta revokoj këtë pëlqim në çdo kohë .


Peticioni i drejtohet: The university leadership (Präsidium der Hochschule Darmstadt) and relevant decision-making committees, students enrolled in IMC and h_da.

We, the students of the M.A. International Media Cultural Work (IMC), demand that Klaus Schüller be appointed to the professorship for our program. The current situation, where he cannot be considered due to his existing employment at the university, endangers the future and quality of the program, which he has played a key role in shaping.


The Problem:

1. Competence and Co-Creation: Klaus Schüller actively co-developed the M.A. IMC program and is deeply familiar with its structure, goals, and international focus. His expertise and dedication are irreplaceable.
2. Unprepared Candidates: Other applicants have not demonstrated sufficient preparation or understanding of the program’s thematic focus. Their appointment risks compromising the quality and reputation of the IMC program.
3. Risk to Program Quality: With Prof. Sabine Breitsameter’s upcoming retirement, there is an urgent need for continuity and leadership to safeguard the program’s future, which Klaus Schüller can ensure. An unsuitable appointment to this professorship would have severe consequences for the quality, structure, and international recognition of our program.

Our Demand:
We urge Hochschule Darmstadt and the responsible decision-makers to:

1. Reconsider the restriction on Klaus Schüller’s professorship, ensuring the best possible solution for the M.A. IMC.
2. Alternatively: Revise the selection process to appropriately value Klaus Schüller’s exceptional expertise and contributions.

Faleminderit për mbështetjen tuaj, Joshua Aydan Heine , Wiesbaden
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Detajet e peticionit

Ka filluar peticioni: 17.12.2024
Peticioni përfundon: 16.06.2025
Rajon : Darmshtadi
tema: Arsim

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Pse njerëzit firmosin

I am writing to express my strong support for Klaus Schüller's candidacy for the professor position.

Klaus Schüller not only possesses deep expertise in his field but has also been an invaluable support to students throughout his long-standing involvement with the IMC program. His profound understanding of the program’s structure and the challenges students face allows him to offer guidance and solutions that truly make a difference.

Moreover, I believe Klaus Schüller has a clear and innovative vision for the future of the IMC program. However, in order to implement these ideas and drive the program forward, it is essential that he takes on the role of professor.

I wholeheartedly endorse Klaus Schüller for this position and am confident in the positive impact he will continue to make.

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