Legal details

openPetition gemeinnützige GmbH – Platform for citizens initiatives, petitions and campaigns

  • openPetition gemeinnützige GmbH
    Werkstatt Digitale Demokratie
    Am Friedrichshain 34
    10407 Berlin
  • CEO: Jörg Mitzlaff
  • commercial register: HRB 144054 - Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
  • VAT ID: DE284395718

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  • For petition texts, comments and debate contributions the respective authors themselves are responsible according to § 10 Telemediengesetz. If openPetition is informed about unlawful or immoral content, we will remove it within reasonable time.
  • During the term of a petition, you can ask the petition author a question directly. To do this, use the link on the respective petition page: 'Ask the initiator'

Social media

Creative Commons


  • The service is licensed under the ( cc-by-sa ) Creative Commons license. Text, design and data (anonymized) can be used under this license on request.
  • license terms:

    • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
    • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
    • Attribution - You must indicate the authorship sufficiently clearly (attribution openPetition and link ), include a link to the license ( and indicate whether changes have been made. This information may be provided in any reasonable manner, but not in such a way that it creates the impression that the licensor specifically supports you or your use of the work
    • Share alike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.


  • Carina Czisch

Licences and software used

  • Geocoding data and maps are from OpenStreetMap, NaturalEarthData and Wikipedia.
  • Petition graphs and maps were created using mtChart, QGIS and Highcharts.
  • To display the signatures of a petition on a map Leaflet is used with the plugin Leaflet.Canvas-Marker-Layer .
  • We use Glide.js for slideshows.
  • Administrational data (population figure, elected representative, Address, Website) is based on the information given in the infoboxes of the respective article in The Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia.
  • The PDF files and barcodes are created using TCPDF. Barcodes are recognised using zbar.
  • The sites are built with Javascript, PHP and MariaDB.
  • The servers run on nginx under Debian Linux.
  • Munin, pingdom and kibana help us with monitoring and tracking.
  • The petition images for the mirrored petitions of the petition committees were created using the map Bundesrepublik Deutschland.svg of Escondites ( CC BY-SA 2.0 de ).
  • Icons from FontAwesome were used ( Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license )
  • Image sources for ABSTIMMUNG21: Jan Hagelstein & ABSTIMMUNG21 e.V.

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